This two-hour workshop will provide the participant with the tools and knowledge to take their blues guitar playing to the next level.
The workshop will be a relaxed, informal discussion of blues music and guitar playing and will cover the following topics:
- Chords, scales, chord progressions and arpeggios used in blues music
- Techniques for squeezing the most amount of emotion out of your guitar
- Applying this knowledge to create licks, melodies and songs
- Tips and techniques for constructing solos
- Working with another guitarist (who does what, and when?)
- What it means to contribute to an ensemble
Participants are encouraged to take notes, photos, make recordings and ask questions to enable their understanding of the material on offer.
This workshop is aimed towards amateur players and players wanting to inject their playing with some traditional techniques and flavours. However, more experienced players are more than welcome to join in.
Presented by Dave Blanken and Leo Joseph
When: Tuesday 1 September 2015
Time: 7.30pm
Where: Harmonie German Club
Cost: $20 CBS members, $30 non-members