16 May 2023

PODCAST: The Hoot's budget special asks what's in it for us? Plus magpies and speed limits

| Genevieve Jacobs
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Hoot logo with Karen Middleton and David Pocock

WIIFM: What’s in it for me? Budget 2023-24 gets the Hoot treatment. Image: Region.

It’s that time in May when the leaves turn scarlet, frost nips the air and the federal government takes a nip at your pockets. This is the Hoot’s budget special, as Ross Solly and Genevieve Jacobs ask the perennial Canberra question on the podcast – what’s in it for us?

Despite a change of government, is the answer still – not that much?

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READ ALSO Pedal Power’s planted the seed for glacial speed limits (but it’s a wheelie bad idea)

Speaking of budgets, we’re taking a look at the Pedal Power ACT Budget suggestion that Canberra’s streets would be safer at 30 km/h speed limits. The idea hasn’t gone down particularly well with our readers, but is there some merit to making Canberra’s streets significantly safer for cyclists and pedestrians?

And how do you feel about magpies? Not in your streets, not in your backyards, not even swooping you on the bike path – but in your shopping centre, eyeing you beadily from above the ladies’ jeans?

READ ALSO Magpie couple finally fly the coop at South.Point Tuggeranong after month-long stay

The carolling of magpies has been accompanying South.Point Kmart shoppers for the last month or so as what looks like a breeding pair have taken up residence inside the centre. So what’s the attraction between black and white feathered friends and the ladies’ jeans section?

The Hoot appears every week on Riotact and wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple and Spotify. Have a listen, tell us what you think and rate us.

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