Another bizarre driving habit has been developing on ACT roads – the practice of leaving a large gap between your car and the car in front when stopped at traffic lights.
Two or three metres is adequate, but i’ve seen people leave two or three car lengths, even more.
So what? you say. Most of the times it’s ok – bizarre and pointless, but ok, but a problem arises when people in the outer lanes leave large gaps thus blocking access to the left and right turning slip lanes. Ie; if everybody just moved up a bit, it would allow a whole bunch of cars wanting to turn before the traffic lights to pass. Leaving a large gap between you and the car in front can actually block traffic building up behind you.
At its worst i’ve actually had to get out of my car, tap on the window of the person in front and tell them to move up so I can turn my car into the turning lane.
And to a lesser extent it’s just plain annoying when people leave a huge gap………….wait until all the traffic has come to a full stop behind them, then slowly take their foot off the brake and roll their car forward an inch at a time…………bizarre and pointless!
Happy motoring all