![the pears](http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-mDrIPquLEHo/Te7sE7RhFMI/AAAAAAAAjmE/drJd5p47s8w/s600/20101006nga1729_0052_irn45188.jpg)
To make a booking: eventbookings@nga.gov.au | (02) 6240 6528
Thursday 9 June 12.45 pm
The passion and poetry of football in painting
Artist Ivan Durrant discusses his paintings On the bench 2006 and Power 2007.
Free | Contemporary Australian gallery
Friday 10 June 10.00–11.00 am
Art and me
ages 2–4, to be accompanied
Join Gallery educators and voluntary guides on an interactive art tour of the Gallery for toddlers.
$12, $10 members/concession (includes materials) | bookings essential | meet at information desk
Tuesday 14 June 12.45 pm
Shooting the bubble
David Turnbull, Assistant Exhibitions Manager, unpacks his tool-kit for a behind-the-scenes tour of objects from the International galleries.
Free | Level 1 entrance
Wednesday 15 June 10.00 am
A little look at art
Join a voluntary guide for a tour of the Gallery for parents, babies and toddlers.
Followed by coffee and muffins.
$12, $10 members/concession | bookings essential | meet at information desk
Thursday 16 June 10.15 am
Members: Coffee with a curator
Christine Dixon, Senior Curator, discusses Francis Bacon’s Triptych 1970 in conjunction with the upcoming film screening of Bacon’s arena. Followed by coffee and cake.
$10 members, $20 guests | bookings essential | International galleries and Members Lounge (meet at information desk)
Thursday 30 June 12.45 pm
Australian female jewellers
Meredith Hinchliffe, arts advocate and writer, discusses four contemporary female jewellers and their work.
Free | Jewellery gallery
Saturday 18 June 2.00 pm
Australian design lecture, in association with the Gallery of Australian Design
Ramona Barry, curator of Australian chair design survey, in conversation with Dr Robert Bell, Senior Curator. Followed by a drinks reception and viewing of the exhibition at the Gallery of Australian Design.
Free | Small Theatre and Gallery of Australian Design
Sunday 19 June 2.00–11.15 am
Bacon’s arena
DVD, 2005, not rated, 95 mins
Join London-based, Emmy Award-winning director Adam Low for a special introduction and viewing of his documentary on the life of Francis Bacon.
$8, $5 members/concession | bookings essential | James O Fairfax Theatre
Tuesday 21 June 12.45–11.30 am
The strange world of Bernard Boles
Sarina Noordhuis-Fairfax, Curator, discusses Bernard Boles—accountant by day, metaphysical painter by night—in relation to his 1945 gouache drawing Seaside Sunday.
Free | Australian Surrealism gallery
Thursday 23 June 12.45 pm
Jasper Johns’s Color numerals
Emilie Owens, Curatorial Assistant, discusses Jasper Johns’s series Color numerals 1969.
Free | International gallery
Saturday 25 June 6.15 am – 5.00 pm
Inuksuit by John Luther Adams for 9–99 percussionists
Percussionists from around the globe converge at the National Gallery of Australia to present the Australian premiere of Inuskuit by Alaskan composer John Luther Adams. Curated by Gary France, this free dawn concert is held in association with the Antarctica: Music, Sound and Cultural Connections Conference at the School of Music, Australian National University. The Street Cafe will be open from 6.00 am for hot drinks.
Free | Australian Garden
Monday 27 June 9.50–11.00 am
Rendezvous with art
Learn about works of art on display. Enjoy refreshments in the Members Lounge before joining voluntary guides to discuss selected works of art.
$12, $10 members/concession | bookings essential | Members Lounge and galleries (meet at information desk)
Tuesday 28 June 12.45 pm
Asian textile treasures series lecture 1
Robyn Maxwell, Senior Curator, speaks about a rare and intricate Indian textile created specifically for the royal Thai court in the 18th century.
Free | Southeast Asian gallery