ACT Light Rail, a collective of individuals interested in stimulating renewed debate for exploring Light Rail options for the Capital Region will be hosting a public meeting this coming Wednesday 12th September.
With the recent announcement of the release of new land for the Molonglo town centre and recent coverage of parking issues in the City /Parliamentary area, the group is encouraging public involvement and hoping to reenergize the public transport debate before the upcoming Federal and 2008 Territory Election.
Meeting Details:
Date: Wednesday 12 September
Time: 19:30
Venue: New Griffin Centre, Genge Street, Civic.
ACT Light Rail has a web-site on which information will become available at the following URL:
Concept diagram for a Light Rail network for the Canberra Region. The proposed network could leverage the exisiting rail infrastructure for the initial segments of the network. The network then expands in a staged approach, eventually linking all town centres. Park & Ride facilities are provided strategically around the network allieviating the need for mass parking in the employment centres.