TAMS are bestirring themselves on the subject of shopping trolleys:
Over 40 suburbs will be targeted in the search for abandoned shopping trolleys in an end of year crackdown, Michael Brice, Manager of Licensing and Compliance, City Services, said today.
“Ten shopping trolley collections will be conducted in the lead up to Christmas to pick up shopping trolleys removed from shopping centre precincts in Canberra’s north and south, as well as the city centre,” Mr Brice said.
“Prior to each collection day, retailers are given two days warning to advise them that trolleys located outside shopping precinct areas in parkland, open spaces, waterways or on playing fields will be impounded.
“The most recent trolley collection day, undertaken on 10 October 2013, saw only 17 trolleys impounded across the Weston and Curtin areas which appears to indicate that retailers are becoming more active in collecting their trolleys from Canberra’s open space areas.
“Leaving trolleys on the streets has a direct cost to retailers as there is a fee of $112.50 to retrieve a trolley that has been impounded.
“On top of regular collection days, TAMS also places shopping trolley removal notice stickers on abandoned trolleys that are reported by members of the public or identified during general patrols by city rangers.
“Once a removal sticker is issued the retailer is contacted to pick up the trolley which, if not removed within 24 hours, is impounded. The only exception to this is when a trolley is left in a potentially hazardous location, such as on a road, when it is impounded immediately.