This one appeared on Friday after I’d checked out of reality.
Simon Corbell has announced a three month gun amnesty.
- Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Simon Corbell, today declared a firearms amnesty as part of a campaign to promote compliance with Firearms legislation in the ACT.“The government is strongly committed to firearms regulation that promotes the fact that it is a privilege, not a right, to own a firearm.” Mr Corbell said “We also want to make certain, only those who can demonstrate genuine and responsible use of a firearm should be able to own and use firearms.”The amnesty will operate for three months between 1 March 2009 and 31 May 2009 and is timed to coincide with a NSW firearms amnesty. The ACT amnesty will allow people to hand in illegal firearms with no questions asked.Under the amnesty:
– People who are not licensed to own firearms but currently have unregistered firearms in their possession, will be able to surrender them to any police station without penalty; and
– People who currently have a licence or permit, but have unregistered firearms in their possession will be able to register those firearms without penalty.
Anyone feel safer?