[First filed: January 30, 2009 @ 09:00]
CityNews informs us that Jon Stanhope is going to spend 2009 crusading for pay parking in the Parliamentary Triangle.
Apparently equality demands that all motorists fill his coffers.
- “None of us like paid parking, but this is a question about equity between employees and it is also about the Commonwealth Government accepting the responsibility and take the hard decisions that need to be taken in relation to climate change and the development of sustainable transport systems.
“One of the difficulties that we face in relation to making public transport attractive and a more reasonable option, is that half the public sector – namely Commonwealth public servants – don’t have to pay to park. So there is absolutely no incentive for them to think about alternative means of transport; it’s not sustainable and it’s not appropriate for the Commonwealth Government – for the credentials it seeks in climate change – not to be responding or taking decisions that it needs to take.
Good luck to him with that, I suspect there will be some significant digging in of bureaucratic heels.
UPDATED: A week later and CityNews has the Liberal Senator Gary Humpries and his views on why this is not a good idea.