The government commissioned report into building locations for the West Belconnen Super School has recommended the Ginnendera District High site be used for the new school citing planning and design problems with other sites.
Would the report have said the same thing if it hadn’t been government commissioned?
ABC story here
ED – Thumper sent the following in as a story but I’d like to consolidate the two:
These lines seemed to jump out at me:
“And documents obtained under Freedom of Information indicate the ACT Government had already sought valuations for the land at Holt, Higgins and Latham primary schools, as well as Melba High, and is considering selling the land for residential or aged care developments.
The land could fetch between $20million and $60 million.”
Now, not so long ago I put forward the idea that the new super school had very little to do with education and very much to do with a great land grab and rezoning for greater residential areas which translates into a huge wad of cash for the government.
It now appears that this was certainly a part of the decision to bulldoze Ginninderra High, and others, as I previously pointed out, including Latham Primary as well.
That would make the total of schools to go being Ginninderra, Holt, Higgins, Melba High and Latham primary. Is this good for the community and education and is it what the community actually wants?
As before, I would suggest you’d be hard pressed to justify this plan, except when you are this current government who apparently don’t need to justify a thing to anyone.
CT article here