28 May 2021

Take a virtual ride on the next light rail journey

| Ian Bushnell
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Light rail

Light rail will soon be moving on from Alinga Street. Image: ACT Government.

The ACT Government is ringing the digital bell for its light rail plans to extend the line to Woden, with the launch of a new website and virtual engagement room where Canberrans can keep up with developments and have their say on the project.

The information blitz, including a new virtual journey and before and after images, comes as the Government steps up community and business engagement ahead of work starting on Stage 2A through City West to Commonwealth Park.

The Government says the new visualisations will help Canberrans gain a better understanding of how the first section of this project will look and how it will interact with car, bus, cyclist and pedestrian movements in one of the busiest parts of the city.

The new virtual engagement tool will also support face-to-face engagement activities which are underway with businesses and residents in the city precinct.

The Government says this information will form part of various evaluations, environmental assessments and other project documentation being prepared ahead of the submission of planning and works approvals later this year.

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The website includes all publicly available information on the project including a media centre with news, an image galley, videos, and fact sheets.

Minister for Transport and City Services Chris Steel said the Government would be consulting the community on a wide range of topics as the project takes shape.

These include environmental, community and heritage impacts, detailed design elements such as stops and intersections, and the community’s priorities for creating vibrant new places and spaces along the route.

“The new website and virtual engagement room will make it easy and convenient for people to follow the latest project developments and have a say in shaping this key stage of Canberra’s future light rail network,” he said.

“Light rail to Woden is Canberra’s biggest infrastructure build creating more than 6000 jobs and helping to shape our city’s transport future. So we want to involve Canberrans in an ongoing conversation about how we deliver it.”

In addition to participating in consultation on the delivery of light rail to Woden, Canberrans can also visit the site to find out more about all aspects of the project and its delivery milestones.

Several light rail information sessions will be held in the city from mid-July. Dates and details will be available in mid-June on the light rail website.

The first stage of light rail to Woden – City to Commonwealth Park is jointly funded by the ACT and Australian Governments.

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thoughtsonthesubject9:56 am 31 May 21

Six thousand extra jobs for the construction of the Light Rail to Woden sounds great, but what do these jobs accomplish and who is paying for them? Will the light rail to Woden serve its purpose, namely reduce C02 pollution by taking private cars off the road? Not for the next 19 years says Penleigh Boyd pointing out that it will take that number of years for the carbon dioxide produced by the construction of stage 2 to be offset by the expected reduction in private car use. (CityNews May27-June2, 2021 p.19) Might take even longer if there is a big uptake of EVs.
This comes at a time when “The world’s largest electric bus manufacturer is prepared to offer the ACT government a “circuit breaker” deal which will take the territory’s highest-emitting diesel buses off the road by October, and deploy 30 of the world’s most proven electric buses as immediate replacements.” (Canberra Times May26). It means pollution free transport at no extra cost. I think we are entitled to an explanation from the Minister for Transport why we still need the extension of the Light Rail to Woden.

Capital Retro11:17 am 31 May 21

The explanation is that Euro-tram salesmen are better than Chinese electric bus salesmen.

There are long strings attached when trams are sold.

michael quirk3:19 pm 29 May 21

Rather than spending funds on a marketing video the government should demonstrate to the community that the light rail extension is a better use of funds than bus rapid transport, additional spending on the health system and social housing. It has ignored calls for such analysis to be undertaken and in doing so shown a cavalier attitude to the spending of limited funds. Do the analysis and demonstrate the project is not a massive waste of funds. What are you afraid of?

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