Having ventured to darkest Gungahlin this afternoon we thought we might as well do something useful. So we took George (The Kelpie Of Few Accomplishments) to the Forde Dog Park to see what it had to offer.
As I previously mentioned on the subject of dog parks; all a dog really wants is green grass to run on and the owners don’t ask for much more than somewhere to sit and a bin for the disposal of dog muck.
And to be honest despite all the thoughtful equipment built for the dogs, the ability to run around is where it’s at for them.
Owners would occasionally make desultory efforts to get the dogs to do something clever, and the dogs would sometimes oblige.
The best thing about the place is the paired gates to enter which should prevent doggy escapes.
On the downside the turf is deader than disco and it’s fast becoming a dust-bowl.
The large trees are great providing plenty of shade to the numerous park benches.
George definitely had a good time, but he probably would have had as good a time anywhere else with as many dogs to talk to. (Even better he came back onto his leash like a deceptively good dog)
So I’m in favour of gated off leash dog parks, but still not entirely convinced about the equipment.