Chief Minister Stanhope has announced his new shopping trolley laws are kicking off from next Wednesday.
Here’s a list of new things you can get in trouble for:
- — Failure to display a notice about taking a shopping trolley outside of a shopping centre precinct. – 10 penalty units
— Failure to display identification on your shopping trolley. – 10 penalty units
Failure to keep a shopping trolley within your shopping centre precinct. (Note: this offence does not apply if the retailer operates and maintains a trolley containment system at its premises or takes reasonable steps to ensure that a trolley is not removed from a shopping centre precinct.) – 60 penalty units
— Failure to comply with a direction to return a shopping trolley. (Note: there are exemptions where complying with the direction to return a shopping trolley to a shopping precinct would be harsh or unreasonable, for example where a parent would have to leave young children alone in a car. – 10 penalty units
— Removing, defacing or interfering with a removal notice attached to a shopping trolley. – 5 penalty units
For new players, a penalty unit is $550 for a corporation and $110 for an individual.