Friday 27th July 2012 saw the 2012 Telstra Australian Business Awards ACT held at the Hyatt Hotel Canberra. The category winners were: Point Project Management (1300Australia People’s Choice Award), Swish Education (HTC Start Up Award), Transformed Pty Ltd (News Limited Micro-Business Award), Provincial Plants and Landscapes (MYOB Small Business Award) and Point Project Management (Commonwealth Bank Medium Business Award).
Each category winner was then in the running for the 2012 Telstra Capital Territory Business of the Year. This prestigious award was won by Point Project Management.
These awards are extremely competitive and all Canberrans should be proud of the finalists and winners of the awards. It was particularly interesting to be part of the awards ceremony and to witness the outstanding business finesse and acumen of local Canberrans. Well done to all the finalists and winners.
All winners will contest for national recognition in the National Awards in Sydney next month.