The Liberals’ Zed Seselja is up in arms over plans to fit out the proposed ACT Government mega building with $4.3 million dollars in public art.
An ACT government consultation report prepared by the Cox Group has recommended that 1% of the total proposed budget for the $432 million government office block be spent on public art.
Thats $4.3 million to simply enhance the character, functionality and amenity of the precinct in which it is located. (ACT Government Consultation Report, Cox Group, May 2009)
This is self indulgence at its highest, Zed said. First we saw the revelations of an $11 million plush new Ministerial wing connected to the Legislative Assembly by a $2 million sky bridge, now there are plans for millions to be spent on art and all at a time when Canberrans are feeling the cost of living strain more than ever before.
Instead of focussing on delivering core services and taking the cost burden off Canberra families, Katy Gallagher and her Government are planning grand office accommodation adorned with millions in public art.
Now remember this whole shebang is projected to cost around $430 million dollars even before the blowouts start.
Compare and contrast to Taipei 101 built for $1.8 billion.
It’s over half a kilometre high, is built to withstand typhoons and earthquakes, and Richard Hammond has made a documentary about it.
Anyone think we’re going to get a quarter of that?
[Photo Courtesy Wikipedia]