8 February 2011

501 voters nabbed in first week of speeding crackdown

| johnboy
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Over 500 motorists were caught speeding in one week (January 31 to February 6) as ACT Policing begin their month long campaign targeting speeding motorists.

This is over four (4) times the usual enforcement rate for this offence. In the previous week (January 24 to 30) there was 145 drivers caught for speeding and in the same period for 2010, 132 drivers were caught.

The zero tolerance traffic enforcement campaign was launched last week in cooperation with ACT road safety authorities, targeting the serious traffic offences that contribute to death and serious injuries on Canberra’s roads.

As part of this months campaign ACT Policing will be focusing on drivers in school zones as students return to school, enforcing the 40km/h speed limit.

19 people have been caught drink driving in the same period (January 31 to February 6) with the highest reading being 0.205 by a 40-year-old man on a 0.00 licence and having five (5) previous convictions.

The highest reading from a 0.05 licence was 0.168. Of the 19 people caught, seven (7) are on 0.00 licences. One man, a 44-year-old, has six (6) previous convictions and is on a 0.00 limit.

[Courtesy ACT Policing]

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keepitup said :

On Monday I slowed down to 40 kph at the school zone in Boddington Cres, Kambah. White van man travelling behind simply pulled out and overtook me.

Next time, follow him and beat him to death with a tyre iron.

lol at calling it the “zero tolerance traffic enforcement campaign”, sounds so lame.

Zero tolerance would be revoking licenses forever.

Sgt.Bungers said :

IMHO, the ACT Gov should allow the operation of mobile speed cameras in any school zone at any time (with 5 mins grace between the start and end of school zone times).

I doubt there’d be much community opposition… please correct me if I’m wrong.

I think the main problem with putting them in school zones is that they need to situated in such a way that there’s no chance of the speed camera accidentally catching someone before the actually get to the school zone. Unless you have two school zones right on top of each other, or a distinct bend in the road, too many tickets would end up being challenged.

Jon must have run out of money to pay for the huge digital information sign that was installed on the Parkway northbound today..

On Monday I slowed down to 40 kph at the school zone in Boddington Cres, Kambah. White van man travelling behind simply pulled out and overtook me.

Chop71 said :

I would like tto thank those 500 drivers for contributing to the ACT budget. Your contribution has helped pay for some of the ACT services we all need such as schools, hospitals, police, roads, parks and gardens etc.

Now please don’t put up rates this year…..

It’s nice of you to say “please”, but I don’t think it’s gonna work. 🙁

And +1 on congrats to those volunteering their hard earned to the community coffers via their accelerator pedals. Well done, and keep it up.

I would like tto thank those 500 drivers for contributing to the ACT budget. Your contribution has helped pay for some of the ACT services we all need such as schools, hospitals, police, roads, parks and gardens etc.

Now please don’t put up rates this year…..

Jim Jones said :

Despite the fact that it’s a school zone (40km limit), which chicanes and speed humps scattered about, the amount of cars that fair f#cking tear down that road is scary.

Hmmm are you sure you’ve got the right bit of road, as there are no chicanes or speed humps on Condamine St, rather a single raised school crossing. Additionally, there is no designated crossing for the cycle path on Condamine St.

Perhaps (directed at dtc and not you JJ) it was David St, which has both chicanes and a crossing on the cycle path.

georgesgenitals said :

Jim Jones said :

Despite the fact that it’s a school zone (40km limit), which chicanes and speed humps scattered about, the amount of cars that fair f#cking tear down that road is scary.

I would have thought this would make it an ideal spot for a fixed speed camera.

Speed cameras are only located where a significant number of motorists are exceeding the speed limit… ie: where the speed limit is too low and/or the road through the area was inappopriately designed so as to encourage motorists to drive too fast without realising it.

Areas such as this Condamine St, where the only people exceeding the speed limits are idiots, as opposed to the average joe… are not profitable enough for speed cameras.

IMHO, the ACT Gov should allow the operation of mobile speed cameras in any school zone at any time (with 5 mins grace between the start and end of school zone times).

I doubt there’d be much community opposition… please correct me if I’m wrong.

georgesgenitals11:15 am 08 Feb 11

Jim Jones said :

Despite the fact that it’s a school zone (40km limit), which chicanes and speed humps scattered about, the amount of cars that fair f#cking tear down that road is scary.

I would have thought this would make it an ideal spot for a fixed speed camera.

braddonboy said :

“…targeting the serious traffic offences that contribute to death and serious injuries on Canberra’s roads.” is what the wallopers say.

Why then, under a zero tolerance campaign, are repeat drink driving offenders allowed to keep a licence? Surely keeping those very selfish people off the roads would go a long way to contributing to the stated outcomes of the said campaign.

I think you will find that is the courts doing, not the wallopers…

dtc said :

And at the Condamine St crosswalk, near Turner primary, the police are stopping cyclists who don’t dismount when using the crosswalk (previously discussed here on RA – but I can’t find the link). With the statement that ‘many cars dont slow down so you need to get off your bike’ and warning of $70 fines.

Saw them this morning too, and noticed that it also had the effect of making the cars slow down through that area. Despite the fact that it’s a school zone (40km limit), which chicanes and speed humps scattered about, the amount of cars that fair f#cking tear down that road is scary.

Glad to see that the police are doing the reasonable thing and explaining that cyclists should be wary for their own safety.

“…targeting the serious traffic offences that contribute to death and serious injuries on Canberra’s roads.” is what the wallopers say.

Why then, under a zero tolerance campaign, are repeat drink driving offenders allowed to keep a licence? Surely keeping those very selfish people off the roads would go a long way to contributing to the stated outcomes of the said campaign.

And at the Condamine St crosswalk, near Turner primary, the police are stopping cyclists who don’t dismount when using the crosswalk (previously discussed here on RA – but I can’t find the link). With the statement that ‘many cars dont slow down so you need to get off your bike’ and warning of $70 fines.

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