On Friday ACT Health released statistics showing a 2013 flu year so benign they had to break 2009 out of the historical data to make this year’s numbers show up at all.
But good news does not sustain health budgets so the Chief Health Officer is finding cause for alarm in the miniscule seasonal uptick of the last month:
ACT Chief Health Officer, Dr Paul Kelly today issued a warning that influenza activity in Canberra is steadily increasing, indicating that the 2013 influenza season is about to commence and advising the precautions Canberrans should take to prepare themselves.
“Canberra is experiencing a much later influenza season than previous years; in 2012 influenza activity had already peaked by mid July,” Dr Kelly said.
“Between 1st January and 26th July 2013, there have been 144 laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza notified in the ACT, with 30% of these cases notified since 1st July 2013.
“It’s not too late to receive the flu vaccination from your General Practice (GP) or work place. The vaccine is free for people at risk of developing serious illness or severe complications, however, eligibility should be checked with your GP.