New animal breeding legislation to outlaw puppy and kitten farms in the ACT was introduced this week.
The female cats and dogs used in puppy and kitten farms are impregnated as often as possible without regard for their health and welfare. They are often deprived of social interaction, exercise and responsible health care for their entire lives.
Under the new legislation, people found responsible for the intensive breeding of female dogs and cats can now be charged up to $15,000 for an individual and $75,000 for a corporation who exploits animals for the pet market.
Breeders will need to adhere to declared minimum standards covering areas such as the age at which a dog or cat can be bred, the number of litters they can have and the frequency with which they can be bred. This will be governed by cat and dog breeding licences which breeders have until 8 January 2016 to obtain.
This new legislation is a positive step forward for animal welfare in our region.
More information, including an application form for a breeding licence is available on the Territory and Municipal Services website.