The Administrative Appeals Tribunal has once again highlighted the fact that ACTPLA is incapable of properly administering the Territory Plan, the role it is established to undertake.
In it’s latest decision (see here), the AAT has roundly condemned ACTPLA for approving a development application that failed to comply with the Territory Plan in relation to driveway access, visitor parking, waste collection, courtyard walls, energy ratings, tree removal and letterbox placement. For further information, read Roderick Campbell’s summary on page 9 of today’s Canberra Times.
This is just the latest episode in a very sad and sorry history of ACTPLA being routed in the AAT, despite having access to lawyers, planners, engineers etc by which means it “buys” favourable decisions. When residents oppose this appalling decisions, they must make do with their own resources, whereas developers (such as Jolly Josip of Narrabundah Caravan Park infamy) are bankrolled by ACTPLA (using our money) – indeed, ACTPLA takes over the DA from the developer and does everything it can to drive adversely affected residents out of what they regard as “their” turf.
Very few residents, perhaps in just 1% of cases of approved DAs, ever go to the AAT, yet ACTPLA is approving DAs in this manner every day of the week. I guess ACTPLA is acting on the basis that if 99% of their dodgy decisions are never exposed to the third umpire, then they can just keep doing what they’ve always done.
When questions on another AAT decision were asked of Corbell in the Assembly, Corbell (as always) leapt to the defence of the ACTPLA turkeys, and effectively gave them the green light to keep making these shockers of decisions.
Just another example of Corbell’s incompetence, and that of his dysfunctional agency, ACTPLA. They are anti-resident and pro-developer in everything they do, which is why Jolly Josip has declined Koomarri’s offer to buy the caravan park back – he knows that eventually, his hi-rise will be approved by Corbell and ACTPLA as soon as the fuss has died down.