23 June 2024

Move to boost City Services maintenance crews heads in the right direction

| Ian Bushnell
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A City Services crew on the job in Spence. The government is building up its maintenance capacity. Photo: Ian Bushnell.

If there is anything that gets Canberrans antsy, it’s the sight of long grass, cracking path pavements and potholes.

In the last few years, that’s been a defining picture of the national capital thanks to La Niña’s persistent wet seasons – and that’s not a good look for what should be a showcase city.

The capital is much more than the Parliamentary triangle or National Capital Authority-controlled land.

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Canberra continues to grow, so the scope of the work to maintain it is also expanding, which is why the ACT Government’s decision to create in-house crews in City Services instead of relying on contractors to fix paths and formalise the temporary boosts to mowing and tree maintenance teams, is welcome.

City Services kept waiting for the rain to stop, and when it didn’t, surge tactics were employed to stay on top of the grass, shrubs and trees that are intrinsic to the bush capital.

The moves in Tuesday’s Budget (25 June) recognise that the seasons are more unpredictable and storm events more common.

So a tick for Minister Tara Cheyne for getting out on the ground to see for herself what is needed.

But people had been complaining before the wet arrived about the shabbiness in the suburbs, something the Canberra Liberals have picked up on.

They argue that ratepayers deserve to have their suburbs kept in good nick, and that should be a priority for the government.

The big wet obviously exacerbated the situation, but it showed how exposed a city with such a high level of vegetation and open space is to seasonal fluctuations.

So it is surprising that the establishment of permanent government teams has taken so long. No doubt there is plenty of scope for growth, given Canberra’s continuing expansion.

The minister herself has acknowledged that contractors may not have the background knowledge or understanding of the context of a situation to ensure that work is not only done but followed up on.

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Canberra operates at both a territory level with state-like functions and also at a local government level, where residents expect basic services will be provided.

An increase in attention to maintaining the natural estate will provide good jobs and keep the capital as tidy as it can be, depending on the weather.

It will cost more, and no doubt many will argue that it will be a better use of their rates than some of the other spending that goes on.

Competition for resources is a fact of life in government, but services should start from the ground up.

The place doesn’t need to be Versailles. After all, sometimes the bush is a little unkempt. But it is important that City Services have the staff and equipment to keep Canberra clean, safe and attractive.

Any government that commits to this will be well received by voters.

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GrumpyGrandpa10:55 pm 24 Jun 24

Promises of more grass mowing & tree pruning, 4 months from an election. How dumb must voters be not to realise this is an empty promise?

We reported a dying tree – some 4 months ago. The inspector has authorised the removal (and replanting), but said the arboretists would make the final decision as to whether it’s removed or the dead limbs removed and the tree retained.

So in the meantime, we’re telling people not to park under the government’s half-dead tree, to reduce the risk of damage to their cars.

I guess LR is expensive…..

La Niña is a cheap Labor/Greens excuse. Most places in the world get more rain than Australia, and in many of those places, the roads aren’t falling apart like Canberra’s. As research clearly shows, properly maintained roads simply don’t dissolve because of few rainstorms. But this government gave up a maintenance years ago (possibly thinking that we’d never see rain again?).

Due to La Niña’s persistent wet seasons says Ian B – rubbish. It’s been a low priority for a decade and let’s just admit so. Visit many other places on east coast and they are all well maintained. It’s an embarrassment to drive into Canberra along our major thoroughfares and then into the suburbs. Even visitors let alone locals comment on the lack of care of National Capital. Hopefully we’ll see some improvement and not just in the Election year. Good on the Libs for forcing the “permanent”’ACT govt into action

Heywood Smith2:55 pm 24 Jun 24

What an absolute joke.. We have gov planted trees overhanging so bad on our street, that the garbage trucks (not their fault) continue to rip huge branches off them, which then fall on the road.. Was reported over 12 months ago, rated as MEDIUM priority, and still nothing.

kaleen_calous1:40 pm 24 Jun 24

Jeez about time there was a little TLC along Ellenborough Street in Kaleen. Those suckering elms along the roadside make it look like a dank jungle not a welcoming entrance to the suburb. Been a long time between maintenance drinks in Kaleen!

What a surprise. Just before the next election they decide to get their act together but no doubt the northside will get priority. In the 35 years I’ve lived in my area in tuggeranong I witnessed edge cutting last week for the first time and a street sweeper on my road. Be good if they got rid of the weeds growing out of the roads too. After all our rates go.up every year but services never keep.up.

Heywood Smith2:56 pm 24 Jun 24

Roadside art and trams aren’t cheap you know!

I agree. The grass growing out from where the road ends and the gutter starts is in mammoth proportions, it’s in every street in Canberra and quite plainly is an eye sore. Don’t get me started on all the road signs that have been knocked over by joy riding four wheel drivers who think that’s what they’re supposed to do. When will these signs get replaced. And the rubbish that is on every road? I’m ashamed to say that I live in Canberra. We are supposed to be the capital city but all I see is a unkempt and rubbish ridden town. Not pleasant at all to drive a round

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