Aceria Anthocoptes, which is of the same genus… I couldn’t find a photo of the actual mite. Sorry.
The Broom Gall mite, Aceria Genistae will be released into a rural lease near Williamsdale in an effort to combat the Scotch Broom, which is a problem weed in Australia.
“The mite will hopefully eat their way through a significant amount of Scotch Broom, which is a weed of national significance, as well as establish a colony population so they can be used in other sites, such as Namadgi,” Mr Iglesias said.
“The mite, which feeds and develops exclusively on Scotch Broom, has been provided to the ACT free-of-charge as part of a partnership with the CSIRO, the Federal Government Broom Control Taskforce, NSW Department of Primary Industry and Palerang Council. It has been used successfully in Tasmania, Victoria and NSW to control Scotch Broom. The mites will be applied to the weeds.
“The biological control of weeds has been used in the ACT to help control Paterson’s Curse, St John’s Wort and Blackberry. It is just one part of the ACT Government’s integrated approach to managing invasive and environmental weeds which also relies on herbicide and physical removal of weeds, as well as significant assistance from local Parkcare groups.
[Image of mite via Wikimedia Commons]