The ACT Government’s arts “consultation” – session tomorrow, but you wouldn’t know it.
It’s incredibly difficult to find on the website, but here’s what’s on the page: “A number of different consultation mechanisms with both key stakeholders and the broader community will be used throughout the process, and a new arts strategy will subsequently be released in mid to late 2010. Stakeholder consultation is currently underway and community consultation dates [b] will be announced shortly [b].”
There’s actually supposedly a “community consultation” in Civic tomorrow at 12.00 but clearly the Chief Ministers Department doesn’t want you to know about it!
The entire public consultation closes in mid November. The ACT Govt website states that the consulation began on 4 September – but ads appeared in the Chronicle, I’m told, only mid last week.
As feared, this consultation is shaping up to be pure Hollowmen.
It’s on at the Link, Canberra Theatre Centre.