The ACT Government will hire specialist investigators to track down tax cheats as part of a 2016-17 Budget initiative that is projected to recoup $27 million for an investment of $5.7 million over four years.
The specialist team in the ACT Revenue Office will have a range of programming, mathematical and statistical skills, allowing the office to make full use of its new $30 million Revenue IT system, funded in the 2014/15 ACT Budget, to identify non-compliance with ACT tax legislation.
ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr said most Canberrans were already paying the right level of tax.
“They are being ripped off by companies and individuals that don’t pay their fair share. This isn’t fair and it has to stop,” he said.
“Our hospitals, schools, roads and other infrastructure should not be the victims of tax evasion, and this Budget commitment will allow the government to fund new projects, programs and initiatives that otherwise would not be possible, should tax dodging continue in the ACT.”
The initiative will commence in 2016/17 with the revenue impact expected from 2017/18.