26 August 2011

ADFA cadet charged over shower video

| johnboy
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A 21-year-old male cadet has been arrested following an incident at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) last night (Thursday, August 25).

Police will allege that a 21-year-old female cadet found a mobile phone hidden in a vent above a shower at her accommodation block at ADFA. The phone was recording video while the woman was showering.

ADFA staff located the owner of the phone and contacted ACT Policing.

Police attended ADFA around 11.50pm, and seized the mobile phone, laptop and a USB memory stick from the man’s room.

The man was arrested and taken to the ACT Watch House, where he was charged with an Act of Indecency without Consent.

He will face the ACT Magistrates Court this morning, where bail will be opposed.

[Courtesy ACT Policing]

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Mr Gillespie8:39 pm 29 Aug 11

Deckard said :

Mr Gillespie said :

Ok then (serious question), why is it, in the 21st Century, do we still have separate male and female toilets?

To let women go to the toilet in peace away from the likes of you…

Yeah but they still have other women, WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE!!!

Mr Gillespie said :

Ok then (serious question), why is it, in the 21st Century, do we still have separate male and female toilets?

To let women go to the toilet in peace away from the likes of you…

Mr Gillespie4:55 pm 29 Aug 11

Jungle Jim said :

………………wrt post #94 – Women too share public toilet blocks… wait for it – with other women! I can assure you that Jungle Jane has confessed to me many a time that the ladies can be just as disgusting as the mens.

Ok then (serious question), why is it, in the 21st Century, do we still have separate male and female toilets?

I’d like to ask about the idea that it’s actually possible for people to use their Imaginations to get off, that there’s no need to be going about filming people – I’d say things like this are less about individuals sex drive and wanting to get off. It’s actually about group dynamics and cultures in which activities like this are acceptable, even hilarious. Most of us grew up watching stupid s*** like Animal House and other tripe from the USA showing us how ‘cool’ and hilarious hijinx against the female sorority houses are, why wouldn’t people think this kind of thing is acceptable? Unfortunately it’s quite common still but it’ll change with time as we continue working towards incorporating equal access and opportunity. I’d be ok with dual sex toilets, it’s not like women’s toilets are usually any cleaner or nicer than the blokes.

Mr Gillespie said :

“No Comment”

So, you’re either opposed to having your female famliy members filmed without their consent, but wont admit it as it abolishes your entire argument, or you feel that no woman should feel violated by the filming of their naken bodies without consent (a possibility that makes me wonder if you haven’t indulged in some secret fimling of your own).

Also, wrt post #94 – Women too share public toilet blocks… wait for it – with other women! I can assure you that Jungle Jane has confessed to me many a time that the ladies can be just as disgusting as the mens.

Mr Gillespie said :

{Nothing of any importance}

Get over yourself

Can’t they just have porn stored on some portable HDD? Go out to the city, find Wi-Fi hotspot, use it do download good quality stuff from GGG or 666. LOL.

dvaey said :

, that lifting any anti-pornography rules on their internet access would probably solve many problems.

I’d say that would open some opportunities for new problems.

My post is on this thread somewhere about what to do.

Out of interest, I wonder what ADFAs policy is on these cadets accessing pornographic material online. Something makes me think that an easier solution to these sex-deprived cadets making their own voyeuristic films, that lifting any anti-pornography rules on their internet access would probably solve many problems. Other than the ‘inappropriate use’ of the internet service provided to them.. but which would they prefer, cadets secretly filming other cadets, or cadets discreetly downloading porn on the institutions internet?

Mr Gillespie3:18 am 29 Aug 11

So, you’re saying I make personal attacks on others? What about the many personal attacks on me, like the nasty little innuendos about me and Erin Molan, and implications about me that makes me a “sick puppy” and I am a psychopath who likes watching people take a shower, just like the one accused in this particular police press release.

In this thread alone, just about every second post has been a personal attack on me, since I first commented on someone’s post about female complainants being brainwashed by the feminist lobby into causing the trouble that has been going on this year at ADFA.

Some of the best examples in this thread alone are:

“Mr. G, you are quite simply a disgusting human being.” (That’snotme, in post #30)

“Ok, so you’re either one of the better trolls I’ve seen (and if so, kudos to you sir!), or you’re you’re completely disassociated from the morals that exist in civilised society. I find myself hoping that you’re just a troll…because it’s honestly disturbing to think that I share this city with [you]……” by That’snotme in post #37

Johnboy #52 saying I “sexually harassed a public figure via YouTube” and that other male readers “caught you trying to destroy evidence of that” when I answer back to the previous innuendos about Erin Molan, and as a bonus he throws in links reminding us of that abuse-filled thread of stupidity.

Then there are the repeated demands for answers to things I do in my own personal life that have got nothing to do with any user of this forum, just so they could satisfy their own disgusting curiosity in front of all, sundry, and Google, the question having a nasty innuendo attached to it which if dignified with an answer would lead only to accusations that I am lying or a hypocrit, or I really am capable of doing things seen by said readers as really nasty and horrendous. So no, I am NOT going to dignify that question with an answer and as such I have told you, NO COMMENT.

……& you’re saying that I’M not “self-aware” enough that *I* make personal attacks against THEM?

Oh for God sake……wake up willya?

Mr Gillespie said :

Huh?¿? What’s so funny about it??

The complete lack of self-awareness?

Mr Gillespie4:26 pm 28 Aug 11

Huh?¿? What’s so funny about it??

Mr Gillespie said :

I do not comment on my private life in public Internet forums, and do not lower myself to personal attacks against other posters on public forums. .

That is possibly the funniest thing you have ever posted!!

Mr Gillespie12:37 pm 28 Aug 11

Indeed, this is a stupid thread, and as such as you can see, I too have lowered myself to the stupidity it deserves.

Oh and as a bonus for those who have been nagging me for an answer for a question in multiple repeated postings over the past 12 or so hours — I’ll make it 2 words, instead of just one.

And those 2 words are,

“No Comment”

The reason I give that answer is that I do not comment on my private life in public Internet forums, and do not lower myself to personal attacks against other posters on public forums. Sadly some posters (including this site’s owner) still feel entitled to make personal attacks and innuendos against me, rather than put forward an argument, however stupid or however intelligent they may be, according to the circumstances.

screaming banshee11:33 am 28 Aug 11

I’ve worked it out….Mr G is bad boy bubby

Jethro said :

Watson.. I agree with you on your contempt of Mr G., but please don’t bring pot smoking into it.
It’s illegal status is absurd, whereas the illegal status of filming naked women in the shower without their consent makes complete sense.

Ps. I don’t smoke pot, but I do see its status as an illegal drug as ridiculous, and I think you are detracting from your original argument by referring to it.

Fair enough. It was not a logical argument at all. Moreover, I am pro decriminilisation of pot. But we all know that Mr G does not respond to logical arguments anyway and he definitely doesn’t strike me as a tolerant person.

This is a stupid thread, so I lowered myself to stupid arguments.

Still waiting Mr G…..

Come on…it only requires a one word answer…

bigfeet said :

Mr G, I note that you are completely refusing to answer this:

phototext said :

Could you please kindly confirm my original question, not hard for you to do.

Question: Do you think it is acceptable for your mother/ wife/ sister/ daughter to filmed in the shower without their permission by some bloke because it is a”common” sexual activity?

Yes or No ?.

I would like to add another question for you to ignore:

Would you find it acceptable for someone to film YOU doing something intimate (probably alone I would guess) without your consent?

Mr Gillespie10:47 pm 27 Aug 11

Watson said :

Mr Gillespie said :

It’s the media’s reporting of these court cases, and the constant stream of sex scandals in the news that make men look weak. I am merely pointing that out, at the expense of suffering all the abuse and innuendos I am getting in this thread.

Granted, men are dirty beings but I am a man too. I don’t like being forced to share the same toilet block as them in public.

Translation: it ain’t a crime if you don’t get caught. Noice.

Translation again: Innuendos are not good for your health. They can get you into a whole heap of trouble. Just watch what you say.


Why is it OK for a man to have his privacy invaded, but not a woman’s? Think about it. Men have to share the same toilet block, but dare to have men and women share the same toilet block, and OH NO. NO-NO-NO-NO, BAD! VERY BAD!!! …… if you get my drift.

Watson said :

Mr Gillespie said :

whereas filming naked women is part of what seems to be very common sexual activity yet it is considered “uncivilised” and so bad it is criminalised in law.


Smoking pot is also a very common leisure activity so am I right in deducting that you are pro decriminalisation?

Watson.. I agree with you on your contempt of Mr G., but please don’t bring pot smoking into it.
It’s illegal status is absurd, whereas the illegal status of filming naked women in the shower without their consent makes complete sense.

Ps. I don’t smoke pot, but I do see its status as an illegal drug as ridiculous, and I think you are detracting from your original argument by referring to it.

What I can’t understand is why so many of you are responding to this Gillespie whacker. What purpose does it serve?

To be honest, when I posted last night, it was after a few beers. I guess the increased self confidence not only makes me think I’m more attractive than I am, but also leads me to believe people like Mr G actually consider anyone elses arguments.

Tonight though, I’m in agreement with you – someone could post the most brilliantly logical and eloquent argument, yet this tool would still throw back some ridiculous justification for his views. He’s successfully managed to move me beyond being offended by his views, to simply dismissing anything he has to say out of hand. It’s quite an efficient view to take – I don’t even need to read his posts any more, just read the author name, and keep on scrolling. It’s an approach I’d recommend!

Mr Gillespie said :

Some really odd sh!t.

Wow… I always thought you were a bit of a tossa, but… really? You’re just a troll aren’t you?

Mr Gillespie said :

It’s the media’s reporting of these court cases, and the constant stream of sex scandals in the news that make men look weak. I am merely pointing that out, at the expense of suffering all the abuse and innuendos I am getting in this thread.

Granted, men are dirty beings but I am a man too. I don’t like being forced to share the same toilet block as them in public.

Translation: it ain’t a crime if you don’t get caught. Noice.


“However there are laws against slander, and Johnnyboy also has in his own Terms & Conditions for the use of RiotACT a clause or 2 to the same or similar effect as well anyway…..”

” I should warn you, if I was a moderator on this site I would have you up for breaking clauses in the T&C about slander etc.”

FFS, man up princess.

Mr G,

Could you please kindly confirm my original question, not hard for you to do.

Question: Do you think it is acceptable for your mother/ wife/ sister/ daughter to filmed in the shower without their permission by some bloke because it is a”common” sexual activity?

Please answer with a clear Yes or No.

Mr Gillespie6:03 pm 27 Aug 11

It’s the media’s reporting of these court cases, and the constant stream of sex scandals in the news that make men look weak. I am merely pointing that out, at the expense of suffering all the abuse and innuendos I am getting in this thread.

Granted, men are dirty beings but I am a man too. I don’t like being forced to share the same toilet block as them in public.

Mr Gillespie said :

dundle said :

Mr Gillespie said :

filming naked women is part of what seems to be very common sexual activity yet it is considered “uncivilised” and so bad it is criminalised in law.

I actually can’t tell if you are a troll or not! This is disturbing.

Isn’t it disturbing how many of these cases the police uncover? Isn’t it disturbing the amount of media coverage given to such cases? Have you thought about that? And have you thought about why ADFA cadets are allegedly committing sexual offences including the subject of this thread? And don’t just fob it off as a “culture of men” thing because that doesn’t answer for the motives behind these incidents.

Dear G. All you are doing here is trying to make men look incredibly weak. If I were a man, I would be deeply insulted by the suggestion that men cannot be held responsible for their behaviour when they are sexually frustrated. But being a woman, I am just deeply disturbed by your total disregard for women’s privacy and their rights as human beings.

Anyone up for a game of anti-feminist bingo (aka: I’m a nice guy so why don’t I get any?) http://farm1.static.flickr.com/168/458582249_edbf713fd0.jpg?v=0

Mr Gillespie5:19 pm 27 Aug 11

dundle said :

Mr Gillespie said :

filming naked women is part of what seems to be very common sexual activity yet it is considered “uncivilised” and so bad it is criminalised in law.

I actually can’t tell if you are a troll or not! This is disturbing.

Isn’t it disturbing how many of these cases the police uncover? Isn’t it disturbing the amount of media coverage given to such cases? Have you thought about that? And have you thought about why ADFA cadets are allegedly committing sexual offences including the subject of this thread? And don’t just fob it off as a “culture of men” thing because that doesn’t answer for the motives behind these incidents.

Waiting For Godot5:09 pm 27 Aug 11

Rumours that I am about to replace Rob Paxevanous as host of Fishing Australia are completely untrue. I might instead open a bait shop!

Whoops, got the tags all wrong.

thatsnotme said :

Mr Gillespie said :

Mr. G, you are quite simply a disgusting human being.

What I can’t understand is why so many of you are responding to this Gillespie whacker. What purpose does it serve?

Mr Gillespie said :

filming naked women is part of what seems to be very common sexual activity yet it is considered “uncivilised” and so bad it is criminalised in law.

I actually can’t tell if you are a troll or not! This is disturbing.

Mr Gillespie said :

Deckard said :

Mr Gillespie said :

I question under what circumstances does a woman exercise her right to say “no”, other than to strangers in dark alleys.


Why don’t you just drop some rohypnol in her drink, then she won’t be able to say no and you won’t have a problem. No violence involved. You could even film it on your mobile for later use…

Filming it on your mobile for later use, yeah, by the cops and the courts, now THAT is what I call REALLY, REALLY STUPID.

So if you think I’m stupid, what do you call someone who leaves evidence behind as good as handing it to them on a silver platter, ay?

Evidence of “common sexual activity”? What is so stupid about that?

If you cannot handle sexual frustration without resorting to indecent behaviour, Mr G, there are drastic measures to help you. Being subjected to your posts has now lowered me to getting a sadistic pleasure out of imagining them being applied to you.The old-fashioned way.

Mr Gillespie said :

Deckard said :

Mr Gillespie said :

I question under what circumstances does a woman exercise her right to say “no”, other than to strangers in dark alleys.


Why don’t you just drop some rohypnol in her drink, then she won’t be able to say no and you won’t have a problem. No violence involved. You could even film it on your mobile for later use…

Filming it on your mobile for later use, yeah, by the cops and the courts, now THAT is what I call REALLY, REALLY STUPID.

So if you think I’m stupid, what do you call someone who leaves evidence behind as good as handing it to them on a silver platter, ay?

Um sooo pics or it didn’t happen? Thats not creepy at all….

Mr G, I note that you are completely refusing to answer this:

phototext said :

Could you please kindly confirm my original question, not hard for you to do.

Question: Do you think it is acceptable for your mother/ wife/ sister/ daughter to filmed in the shower without their permission by some bloke because it is a”common” sexual activity?

Yes or No ?.

I would like to add another question for you to ignore:

Would you find it acceptable for someone to film YOU doing something intimate (probably alone I would guess) without your consent?

Tooks said :

Mr Gillespie is either the best troll ever on Riotact or the biggest imbecile ever on Riotact. I can’t work out which.

I’ve been watching his lunacisms for some time, and I’m slowly coming to the belief that it’s some psychology doctorate student gathering information for a thesis on responses to extreme and inflammatory stimuli in a public forum.

Noone could really, seriously think and talk like that.

Could they?

Mr Gillespie3:00 pm 27 Aug 11

Phototext #67


I am not in court, you are not my prosecutor, the only thing you can convict me for is for having an opinion and expressing it. I can find nothing in any piece of legislation that says there is a law against having an opinion. However there are laws against slander, and Johnnyboy also has in his own Terms & Conditions for the use of RiotACT a clause or 2 to the same or similar effect as well anyway…..


3. Man hiding in bushes masturbates as young child walks past.
3. Man hiding in bushes masturbates as young child walks past, child sees man..

3 and 3 totally unacceptable. That’s pedophile activity. Not on!! No question about it.

Also, hiding in the bushes wanking in public for whatever reason is not of sound mind anyway. (in answer to Questions 1 and 2)

4. Man in the middle of Civic masturbates as young woman walks past, everyone in Civic sees man.
5. Man in the middle of Civic masturbates as young child walks past, everyone in Civic sees man.

Ditto as per Q 1 & 2. No sane person wanks himself in any public place whether Civic, bushes, etc.

So, no, that’s not a “normal sexual activity”.

But I spose you will turn this into an argument and have me argue about this all day, if it is not cameras in vents, it’s wanking in bushes or other public places, if it isn’t wanking in public it would be something else.

I don’t consider myself a “very sick puppy” and I should warn you, if I was a moderator on this site I would have you up for breaking clauses in the T&C about slander etc.

creative_canberran2:52 pm 27 Aug 11

Mr Gillespie said :

Creative Canberran #45: Huh?¿?

Innovation #46: The situations there are a little different. Being filmed doing driving offences is about enforcement and getting evidence, whereas filming naked women is part of what seems to be very common sexual activity yet it is considered “uncivilised” and so bad it is criminalised in law.

Stevian #47: Stupid because I’m stating the obvious that is so obvious it makes me look stupid??

Okay, I’ll make the parallel even clearer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoeFuaARqXc&feature=related

Mr Gillespie2:51 pm 27 Aug 11

Deckard said :

Mr Gillespie said :

I question under what circumstances does a woman exercise her right to say “no”, other than to strangers in dark alleys.


Why don’t you just drop some rohypnol in her drink, then she won’t be able to say no and you won’t have a problem. No violence involved. You could even film it on your mobile for later use…

Filming it on your mobile for later use, yeah, by the cops and the courts, now THAT is what I call REALLY, REALLY STUPID.

So if you think I’m stupid, what do you call someone who leaves evidence behind as good as handing it to them on a silver platter, ay?

Mr Gillespie said :

Phototext, it is a bit of a long bow to draw between rape and hiding a camera in an air vent. For starters, rape involves physical contact, and a thing called VIOLENCE, and as such, there is no question of its criminality.

I question under what circumstances does a woman exercise her right to say “no”, other than to strangers in dark alleys. See, that’s where it gets complicated. Does “consent” have to be written down, because that seems to be where it’s headed to protect a man from legal liability these days…..

The link to rape is the lack of consent. The victim was filmed while naked (presumably for sexual purposes, not that it matters really) WITHOUT CONSENT. You’re yet to answer myself or any of the other who’ve asked as to whether you’d be cool with that happening to yourself or a loved one. Then again, you’re not really about the hard questions are you?

Adressing your second paragraph, it seems to me that you’re saying women should just be pliable little slaves for Mr. G to do whatever he wants with. Is that correct? If so, good luck with that. The problem for you there is that most women are independent people with rational (ok well this one may be debatable a lot of the time) thought processes and the ability to make their own decisions. And you know what? I kinda like the women in my life to be that way, your way would get pretty boring after a while.

Honestly for your own sake, I really hope that behind your screen name there’s a bored uni student sitting in a dark room giggling away at how awesome his/her trolling skills are, otherwise it seems likely that one of these days you’ll end up sitting in front of a jury of your peers attempting to justify your actions.

Tooks said :

Mr Gillespie is either the best troll ever on Riotact or the biggest imbecile ever on Riotact. I can’t work out which.

Can’t he be both?

Mr Gillespie said :

Stevian #47: Stupid because I’m stating the obvious that is so obvious it makes me look stupid??

Asked and answered

Mr G,

Could you please kindly confirm my original question, not hard for you to do.

Question: Do you think it is acceptable for your mother/ wife/ sister/ daughter to filmed in the shower without their permission by some bloke because it is a”common” sexual activity?

Yes or No ?

Please answer with a clear Yes or No.

Ok, you draw the line at the physical contact of rape, yet paragraph two of your post throws up some other weirdness regarding consent, wtf. As you seem to draw the line at physical violence but not at hidden camera in shower does this mean that as long as physical violence does not happen the following would be ok with you.

1. Man hiding in bushes masturbates as young woman walks past.
2. Man hiding in bushes masturbates as young woman walks past, woman sees man.
3. Man hiding in bushes masturbates as young child walks past.
3. Man hiding in bushes masturbates as young child walks past, child sees man..
4. Man in the middle of Civic masturbates as young woman walks past, everyone in Civic sees man.
5. Man in the middle of Civic masturbates as young child walks past, everyone in Civic sees man.

There would be no physical violence, nobody is hurt, just a harmless bit of “normal” sexual activity.

” it is a bit of a long bow to draw between rape and hiding a camera in an air vent”

Really? You cannot fathom how that might make a woman feel to discover that her privacy has been breached in such an horrendous way, really?

Ask your Mum/ sister/ wife/ daughter how they would feel if they had discovered a hidden camera in their shower.

You are a very sick puppy Mr Gillespie and the reason we have laws regarding such activities is because the majority of society find such behaviour abhorrent and disgusting.

Mr Gillespie said :

I question under what circumstances does a woman exercise her right to say “no”, other than to strangers in dark alleys.


Why don’t you just drop some rohypnol in her drink, then she won’t be able to say no and you won’t have a problem. No violence involved. You could even film it on your mobile for later use…

Mr Gillespie12:10 pm 27 Aug 11

Phototext, it is a bit of a long bow to draw between rape and hiding a camera in an air vent. For starters, rape involves physical contact, and a thing called VIOLENCE, and as such, there is no question of its criminality.

I question under what circumstances does a woman exercise her right to say “no”, other than to strangers in dark alleys. See, that’s where it gets complicated. Does “consent” have to be written down, because that seems to be where it’s headed to protect a man from legal liability these days…..


Mr Gillespie, your reply to my question is a bit ambiguousness.

“Right. What you’re saying is sexual activity is sick and the law is there to repress it and try to stamp it out.”

Am I correct in assuming when you say “Right.” you mean it is OK for your mother/ sister/ wife/ daughter to be filmed in the shower without their permission by some guy because it is a “common” sexual activity.

Does your “common” sexual activity include rape too, it is fairly common, perhaps it too should be decriminalised. A blokes sexual needs are much more important than a woman’s right to say no.

Mr Gillespie11:32 am 27 Aug 11

Watson #61
Why do you “so, so hope that I do not have a girlfriend”? Do you want sexual repression increased even further??? Blokes should be denied sex even more so they have to go to even more trouble to hide cameras in shower blocks??

Have you stopped taking your meds recently Mr G?

Or is this a spring thing?

Mr Gillespie said :

whereas filming naked women is part of what seems to be very common sexual activity yet it is considered “uncivilised” and so bad it is criminalised in law.


Smoking pot is also a very common leisure activity so am I right in deducting that you are pro decriminalisation?

Seriously, I suspect the ‘criminal’ aspect in this has something to do with the concept of “consent”. I couldn’t care less what you agree to do with your girlfriend and your video camera. (Though I so, so,so hope you do not have a girlfriend!)

Mr Gillespie11:16 am 27 Aug 11

Arrest my case Johnboy. That thread you and I so unwisely reference is a fine example of your bully-boy tactics if you ask me….

Mr Gillespie11:07 am 27 Aug 11

Phototext #55
Right. What you’re saying is sexual activity is sick and the law is there to repress it and try to stamp it out.

Deckard #56
That’s one of the dangers of posting sarcastic comments y’see. They get misunderstood.

However I do believe that in any case, the media and the courts are too full of people who have been caught on the wrong side of the law because of some sex-related activity or other. Isn’t that saying something???

For those who missed Mr G’s stellar debut in the role of village idiot which he has unwisely referenced here:


ADFA and the AFP seem to be in agreement that the alleged acts were criminal Mr G.

You don’t seem to be arguing he is innocent of them, rather that what he is accused of was not criminal.

You appear to be in a minority of one on that.

Mr Gillespie said :

Deckard said :

Mr Gillespie said :

This is why I think feminists are scum. They demonise men for merely wanting sex I mean look what happened with that Erin Molan thread on this site for instance.

Gold!! Mr Gillespie, you win the award for most stupid person in the ACT. Ever!

Are you saying I am stupid for saying what men NATURALLY do?

….or am I stupid for being a man and naturally feeling that way about Erin Molan?

….or is it because I don’t like how the natural sexual desires of men all too often turn into very public scandals and criminal trials?

I’m not saying you’re stupid for those things. For those things I think you’re sick and need some help.

I think you’re stupid because Waiting for Godot made one of the more sarcastic comments we’ve seen on RA for many a year and you thought it was someone who agreed with your sick ways.

Either that or you’re just a troll and a tool in any case.

“whereas filming naked women is part of what seems to be very common sexual activity yet it is considered “uncivilised” and so bad it is criminalised in law.”


So, some guy filming your mother/ sister/ wife/ daughter in the shower without their permission is fine with you because it is a “common” sexual activity.

And I thought I would have to visit the Just Grounds website for my weekend dose of nutjob.

Mr Gillespie10:34 am 27 Aug 11

Johnboy, the definition of “criminal act” is stretched enough as it is without you stretching it even further by the way you say you “caught” me “sexually harassing a public figure” and that I “tried to destroy evidence” of the “sexual harassment” that you so politely call it!

Mr Gillespie is either the best troll ever on Riotact or the biggest imbecile ever on Riotact. I can’t work out which.


Mr G you believe that:

— It’s feminists fault that I caught you out sexually harassing a public figure via YouTube?

— It’s feminists fault other male readers of RiotACT caught you out trying to destroy evidence of that?

— It’s feminists fault this cadet was caught committing criminal acts for which he has been charged?

I think your problems are a little closer to home than feminists.

Mr Gillespie9:52 am 27 Aug 11

Creative Canberran #45: Huh?¿?

Innovation #46: The situations there are a little different. Being filmed doing driving offences is about enforcement and getting evidence, whereas filming naked women is part of what seems to be very common sexual activity yet it is considered “uncivilised” and so bad it is criminalised in law.

Stevian #47: Stupid because I’m stating the obvious that is so obvious it makes me look stupid??

LSWCHP said :

Has anyone noticed that Mr Gillespie and John Moulis have never been seen in the same room together?

Good point. There cannot be two people so weird and offensive.

Mr Gillespie said :

That’snotme #37

Why do we rarely if ever hear about cameras being pointed at men’s showers? It always seems to be men being caught pointing cameras at girl’s showers, and never other men’s showers.

Have you ever wondered for a second WHY these offences (labelled in law as “acts of indecency”) occur (and seemingly so often), and why the media loves sensational stories like this?

You probably also think that all women are natural mothers. Which is why I think it was perfectly justified for me to steal that baby from his pram while his mother wasn’t watching. He’s absolutely gorgeous and makes me so happy! People have been saying it was a despicable act, but it’s not as if I punched someone or anything? I mean, I’m looking after him and everything.

Mr Gillespie said :

Waiting For Godot: Exactly. This is why I think feminists are scum. They demonise men for merely wanting sex I mean look what happened with that Erin Molan thread on this site for instance. Some completely brain-dead moron thought it would be so funny to mock me for merely looking at her that they made me into a creepy stalker, all because I spoke my mind about her, in written comments on a deleted YouTube video. They even went to the trouble of digging around for cached copies of the text to back up their “arguments”.

I didn’t even lay a finger on her yet all hell broke loose with all the filthy scandalous muck you could imagine. It is absolutely hideous!

Feminists deserve all the punishment they get for changing the political landscape like this, and demonising men for their mere sexual desires, yet the law protects these vultures by classifying an act merely of having a camera pointed in the wrong direction an “act of indecency” and marking someone’s criminal record and reputation for life.

Feminazis are scum. Absolute scum. There is no other way of describing these creatures. They are a threat to our very liberties. Feminists deserve to fry in hell, because there is no legal protection for good, innocent men who wouldn’t hurt a fly, against false scandalous accusations these days.

Instead of trying to legalise things like gay marriage and public breastfeeding, why can’t the lawmakers (the ones who at least have some sense left) instead work to change the laws in more constructive ways and make it easier for the hard-working, honest, INNOCENT men in society to escape the very public filthy scandal feminists are able to dig up using the courts and the law as their weapon in this war?

Yeah, but what do you really think, Mr G?

Mr Gillespie said :

Right, so (disregarding the Erin Molan thing which it seems was forgotten until I brought it up myself) that includes you think that I really am stupid for stating it is natural for men to have sexual desires.

And you think I am stupid for observing that these sexual desires seem to make the news media or in fact happens quite frequently to make its way into the court system and the scandal sheets.

If the shoe fits, pal.

creative_canberran12:50 am 27 Aug 11

Mr Gillespie said :

Right, so (disregarding the Erin Molan thing which it seems was forgotten until I brought it up myself) that includes you think that I really am stupid for stating it is natural for men to have sexual desires.

Let’s consider this…


Mr Gillespie11:47 pm 26 Aug 11

That’s not me #43

What’s violence got to do with hiding a phone in a discreet location in a women’s shower block? Did the man get violent when he went to hide the phone? Punched the security guard out when entering the women’s block or the ceiling?


Stevian #39

Right, so (disregarding the Erin Molan thing which it seems was forgotten until I brought it up myself) that includes you think that I really am stupid for stating it is natural for men to have sexual desires.

And you think I am stupid for observing that these sexual desires seem to make the news media or in fact happens quite frequently to make its way into the court system and the scandal sheets. (by the way, ACT Policing should know better than to hand it over to the press on a silver platter by releasing press statements like that referenced at top)

Mr Gillespie said :

That’snotme #37

Why do we rarely if ever hear about cameras being pointed at men’s showers? It always seems to be men being caught pointing cameras at girl’s showers, and never other men’s showers.

Have you ever wondered for a second WHY these offences (labelled in law as “acts of indecency”) occur (and seemingly so often), and why the media loves sensational stories like this?

Oh please. The media loves ANY sensational story – and on the back of the recent stories coming out of ADFA, this was always going to be a story. Surely even you can understand that.

And don’t go trying to justify this type of behavior with some type of argument that says men are more sexual beings, so should be allowed to indulge in that nature without those pesky feminists getting in the way. Men are more violent beings as well – do you blame those same feminists for stopping us killing and maiming each other?

Maybe I’m missing something here but I read it as…

“Police will allege that a 21-year-old female cadet found a mobile phone hidden in a vent above a shower at her accommodation block at ADFA. The phone was recording video while the woman was showering.”

There’s quite a big difference between hiding a phone in a vent above a shower and accidently pointing it in the wrong direction isn’t there? Don’t you think? Or did he accidently manage to hide the phone in the vent above the shower? lol

Mr Gillespie said :

Deckard said :

Mr Gillespie said :

This is why I think feminists are scum. They demonise men for merely wanting sex I mean look what happened with that Erin Molan thread on this site for instance.

Gold!! Mr Gillespie, you win the award for most stupid person in the ACT. Ever!

Are you saying I am stupid for saying what men NATURALLY do?

….or am I stupid for being a man and naturally feeling that way about Erin Molan?

….or is it because I don’t like how the natural sexual desires of men all too often turn into very public scandals and criminal trials?

Personally, I’d forgotten about the Erin Molan thing until I read this. Evidently Mr G. hasn’t.


Mr Gillespie10:41 pm 26 Aug 11

That’snotme #37

Why do we rarely if ever hear about cameras being pointed at men’s showers? It always seems to be men being caught pointing cameras at girl’s showers, and never other men’s showers.

Have you ever wondered for a second WHY these offences (labelled in law as “acts of indecency”) occur (and seemingly so often), and why the media loves sensational stories like this?

Mr Gillespie said :

Deckard said :

Mr Gillespie said :

This is why I think feminists are scum. They demonise men for merely wanting sex I mean look what happened with that Erin Molan thread on this site for instance.

Gold!! Mr Gillespie, you win the award for most stupid person in the ACT. Ever!

Are you saying I am stupid for saying what men NATURALLY do?

….or am I stupid for being a man and naturally feeling that way about Erin Molan?

….or is it because I don’t like how the natural sexual desires of men all too often turn into very public scandals and criminal trials?

All of the above.

Mr Gillespie10:21 pm 26 Aug 11

Deckard said :

Mr Gillespie said :

This is why I think feminists are scum. They demonise men for merely wanting sex I mean look what happened with that Erin Molan thread on this site for instance.

Gold!! Mr Gillespie, you win the award for most stupid person in the ACT. Ever!

Are you saying I am stupid for saying what men NATURALLY do?

….or am I stupid for being a man and naturally feeling that way about Erin Molan?

….or is it because I don’t like how the natural sexual desires of men all too often turn into very public scandals and criminal trials?

Mr Gillespie said :

That’snotme #30

Why am I disgusting? Because I believe what Godot says about feminists eroding innocent men’s rights? Or I feel that pointing a camera in the wrong direction doesn’t constitute an “act of indecency”? Or I feel that things are scandalised and blown out of all proportion in public via the court system??

Ok, so you’re either one of the better trolls I’ve seen (and if so, kudos to you sir!), or you’re you’re completely disassociated from the morals that exist in civilised society. I find myself hoping that you’re just a troll…because it’s honestly disturbing to think that I share this city with someone who could read the original story, and then say something like:

Feminists deserve all the punishment they get for changing the political landscape like this, and demonising men for their mere sexual desires, yet the law protects these vultures by classifying an act merely of having a camera pointed in the wrong direction an “act of indecency” and marking someone’s criminal record and reputation for life.

Camera pointed in the wrong direction? Seriously? Like this guy was actually trying to take pictures of the ceiling insulation, and accidentally pointed the lens towards this girl’s shower?

Sorry for calling you disgusting earlier Mr. G – what I actually should have said is that you’re a joke.

LSWCHP said :

Has anyone noticed that Mr Gillespie and John Moulis have never been seen in the same room together?

Suspicious? I dunno, but draw your own conclusions.

Perhaps we can set up some covert surveillance to find out?

Has anyone noticed that Mr Gillespie and John Moulis have never been seen in the same room together?

Suspicious? I dunno, but draw your own conclusions.

Mr Gillespie said :

This is why I think feminists are scum. They demonise men for merely wanting sex I mean look what happened with that Erin Molan thread on this site for instance.

Gold!! Mr Gillespie, you win the award for most stupid person in the ACT. Ever!

Mr Gillespie said :

Waiting For Godot: Exactly. This is why I think feminists are scum. They demonise men for merely wanting sex I mean look what happened with that Erin Molan thread on this site for instance. Some completely brain-dead moron thought it would be so funny to mock me for merely looking at her that they made me into a creepy stalker, all because I spoke my mind about her, in written comments on a deleted YouTube video. They even went to the trouble of digging around for cached copies of the text to back up their “arguments”.

I didn’t even lay a finger on her yet all hell broke loose with all the filthy scandalous muck you could imagine. It is absolutely hideous!

Feminists deserve all the punishment they get for changing the political landscape like this, and demonising men for their mere sexual desires, yet the law protects these vultures by classifying an act merely of having a camera pointed in the wrong direction an “act of indecency” and marking someone’s criminal record and reputation for life.

Feminazis are scum. Absolute scum. There is no other way of describing these creatures. They are a threat to our very liberties. Feminists deserve to fry in hell, because there is no legal protection for good, innocent men who wouldn’t hurt a fly, against false scandalous accusations these days.

Instead of trying to legalise things like gay marriage and public breastfeeding, why can’t the lawmakers (the ones who at least have some sense left) instead work to change the laws in more constructive ways and make it easier for the hard-working, honest, INNOCENT men in society to escape the very public filthy scandal feminists are able to dig up using the courts and the law as their weapon in this war?

Wow. You really have some problems dude. In that rant, you have the basis of a decent point, regarding the ease with which false sexual assault accusations can be taken seriously. (I know a couple of people who’ve been on the receiving end of such issues, it does happen) Then you go and take a perspective on the matter so far towards barbarism that pretty much NO ONE will agree with you. Surely you can see that you’re just setting yourself up for further ridicule? In any case, it’s completely irrelevant to this topic. Have a careful think about this scenario, if some idiotic kid snuck into YOUR house, planted a camera in YOUR bathroom and recorded YOU while showering and then shared the footage around with his mates and the general public, would you be cool with that? I’m doubting it. It’s a totally messed up thing to do, no matter who it’s done to.

Now back on topic completely, scumbags who behave like this are without honour and as far as I’m concerned have no place in our society, let alone an officer in our armed forces with responsibility for the welfare of the people they lead. If the fella is guilty, I hope he is discharged and deported. If however the fella is not guilty, I hope this sensationalist media coverage and public outcry do not adversely affect his career.

Mr Gillespie said :

Waiting For Godot: Exactly. This is why I think feminists are scum.

obvious troll is obvious.. 2/10

Mr Gillespie8:42 pm 26 Aug 11

That’snotme #30

Why am I disgusting? Because I believe what Godot says about feminists eroding innocent men’s rights? Or I feel that pointing a camera in the wrong direction doesn’t constitute an “act of indecency”? Or I feel that things are scandalised and blown out of all proportion in public via the court system??

Mr Gillespie said :

Waiting For Godot: Exactly. This is why I think feminists are scum. They demonise men for merely wanting sex I mean look what happened with that Erin Molan blah blah blah

Mr. G, you are quite simply a disgusting human being.

Waiting for Godot – you should take up fishing for a living! You catch them even when you’re not trying.

screaming banshee8:24 pm 26 Aug 11

Stevian said :

Doesn’t it just give a warm fuzzy feeling?

I feel safer already [/Hudson]

Trunking symbols7:31 pm 26 Aug 11

Waiting For Godot said :

As John Lennon sang in Tomorrow Never Knows: “Lay down all thought, surrender to the boy”.

Um, the lyric is actually “Lay down all thought, surrender to the void”.

Mr Gillespie said :

Waiting For Godot: Exactly. This is why I think feminists are scum. They demonise men for merely wanting sex I mean look what happened with that Erin Molan thread on this site for instance. Some completely brain-dead moron thought it would be so funny to mock me for merely looking at her that they made me into a creepy stalker, all because I spoke my mind about her, in written comments on a deleted YouTube video. They even went to the trouble of digging around for cached copies of the text to back up their “arguments”.

I didn’t even lay a finger on her yet all hell broke loose with all the filthy scandalous muck you could imagine. It is absolutely hideous!

Feminists deserve all the punishment they get for changing the political landscape like this, and demonising men for their mere sexual desires, yet the law protects these vultures by classifying an act merely of having a camera pointed in the wrong direction an “act of indecency” and marking someone’s criminal record and reputation for life.

Feminazis are scum. Absolute scum. There is no other way of describing these creatures. They are a threat to our very liberties. Feminists deserve to fry in hell, because there is no legal protection for good, innocent men who wouldn’t hurt a fly, against false scandalous accusations these days.

Instead of trying to legalise things like gay marriage and public breastfeeding, why can’t the lawmakers (the ones who at least have some sense left) instead work to change the laws in more constructive ways and make it easier for the hard-working, honest, INNOCENT men in society to escape the very public filthy scandal feminists are able to dig up using the courts and the law as their weapon in this war?

Wait! Wait! I haven’t finished making the popcorn!

So the Australian armed forces are training Pakistani military cadets when the Pakistani military (Inter Services Intelligence) have been accused of assisting the taliban. Not very clever.

Mr Gillespie6:37 pm 26 Aug 11

Waiting For Godot: Exactly. This is why I think feminists are scum. They demonise men for merely wanting sex I mean look what happened with that Erin Molan thread on this site for instance. Some completely brain-dead moron thought it would be so funny to mock me for merely looking at her that they made me into a creepy stalker, all because I spoke my mind about her, in written comments on a deleted YouTube video. They even went to the trouble of digging around for cached copies of the text to back up their “arguments”.

I didn’t even lay a finger on her yet all hell broke loose with all the filthy scandalous muck you could imagine. It is absolutely hideous!

Feminists deserve all the punishment they get for changing the political landscape like this, and demonising men for their mere sexual desires, yet the law protects these vultures by classifying an act merely of having a camera pointed in the wrong direction an “act of indecency” and marking someone’s criminal record and reputation for life.

Feminazis are scum. Absolute scum. There is no other way of describing these creatures. They are a threat to our very liberties. Feminists deserve to fry in hell, because there is no legal protection for good, innocent men who wouldn’t hurt a fly, against false scandalous accusations these days.

Instead of trying to legalise things like gay marriage and public breastfeeding, why can’t the lawmakers (the ones who at least have some sense left) instead work to change the laws in more constructive ways and make it easier for the hard-working, honest, INNOCENT men in society to escape the very public filthy scandal feminists are able to dig up using the courts and the law as their weapon in this war?

ABC news said he was Pakistani. Pervez is a good Pakistani name..

Waiting For Godot5:24 pm 26 Aug 11

The main problem here is not the behaviour of the male cadets but the attitude of the females concerned. They’ve been brainwashed by the feminist lobby into believing this sort of thing is somehow wrong or “sexist”.

There needs to be a campaign to re-educate females to get them to comply whenever a male needs his urges satisfied. As John Lennon sang in Tomorrow Never Knows: “Lay down all thought, surrender to the boy”.

gourmetmumma4:56 pm 26 Aug 11

I was planning on taking the family to the ADFA open day tomorrow (27th Aug)…I’ll still go but will make sure I use the toilet before I get there just in case 🙂

A fish rots from the head. These kids aren’t just coming up with it, it’s an attitude that permeates the place. Building it next to RMC was always going to end badly. People who knew the culture of RMC and the other officer training institutions were forcasting this for ADFA before it even opened.

The_TaxMan said :

How absurb blame the establishment for the stupidity of it’s members. But then when we open the doors to those who pay the most and have no concept the women should be treated as equals what do you expect.

On what basis do you make that assumption?

I note that all previous instances of the ADF having appalling attitudes towards women have all involved homegrown fools.

How absurb blame the establishment for the stupidity of it’s members. But then when we open the doors to those who pay the most and have no concept the women should be treated as equals what do you expect.

DUB said :

Stevian said :

It’s nice to see the defining characteristics of those entrusted with the defence of this nation proudly on display. Sexism, misogyny and stupidity. Doesn’t it just give a warm fuzzy feeling?

Obaid Fayyaz, 21, he is a foreign national.

but, but, but that doesn’t fit the nice narrative we’ve got going on of those evil defence force menz.

Ah no it can’t be that, he must just be a fast learner.

DUB said :

Stevian said :

It’s nice to see the defining characteristics of those entrusted with the defence of this nation proudly on display. Sexism, misogyny and stupidity. Doesn’t it just give a warm fuzzy feeling?

Obaid Fayyaz, 21, he is a foreign national.

The Tele will be thrilled, no doubt.

Stevian said :

It’s nice to see the defining characteristics of those entrusted with the defence of this nation proudly on display. Sexism, misogyny and stupidity. Doesn’t it just give a warm fuzzy feeling?

Obaid Fayyaz, 21, he is a foreign national.

“ADFA cadet in hot water”

It’s nice to see the defining characteristics of those entrusted with the defence of this nation proudly on display. Sexism, misogyny and stupidity. Doesn’t it just give a warm fuzzy feeling?

amarooresident312:51 pm 26 Aug 11

After all that has happened, how dumb must this bloke be?

It is an international cadet, apparently.

This can go with the 1000+ complaints they have recieved as part of the inquiry into standards at ADFA…..

Time for a full clean out I reckon.

It all started in the early 90’s with the ‘woofering’ incident and continued on from there.

chewy14 said :

I watched Revenge of the Nerds…

“We’ve got bush!”

A seminal moment…

Not really surprised when you get a thousand 18 year olds all together in one big venue. Primarily men, all sex deprived with hormones flowing. They’re not out drinking in first year (perhaps a good thing?) and have thought of other ways to entertain themselves. After the last event, i’m sure everyone is aware what they can’t do with women, perhaps there needs to be some serious examples made of these people, or events sorted out to fill in their time.

From what i’ve seen from college, you need to remove the “organisers” of the shenanigans, and anyone who encourages this behaviour. Particularly those in senior roles who don’t actively discourage these things.

chewy14 said :

I watched Revenge of the Nerds and I thought this kind of thing was good harmless fun that went on at all universities?

I doubt the woman thought it was ‘good harmless fun’.

chewy14 said :

I watched Revenge of the Nerds and I thought this kind of thing was good harmless fun that went on at all universities?

Was it in Revenge of the Nerds? I was thinking Porky’s & Ms Ballbreaker……

I watched Revenge of the Nerds and I thought this kind of thing was good harmless fun that went on at all universities?

ADFA is a bunch of losers, brought up on remote farms, prior to joining ADFA they only film their cousins’ having showers.

Is the blokes last name Carney??

And you know they’re going to absolutely crucify this dude. After all the sh1t that went down last time, they really are going to make an example of him.

Hot on the heels of the skype-sex malarkey. Suggests to me that this sort of behaviour is deeply ingrained at ADFA. Troubling. And yet, it’s probably always been this way at such institutions.

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