The War Memorial is letting people know that they’re opening an exhibition on the famed Rats Of Tobruk:
The Australian War Memorial has brought together a unique collection of photos, artworks, personal mementoes and battlefield relics to mark the 70th anniversary of the famous Siege of Tobruk.
Several of the items, such as the uniform and medals of one of Australia?s top commanders Lieutenant General Sir Leslie Morshead, are on public display for the first time.
Curated by the Memorial historian and Second World War specialist Dr Karl James, the new exhibition Rats of Tobruk, 1941 pays tribute to a legendary episode in Australia?s military history.
“The harbour town of Tobruk in north eastern Libya, became the site of one of the most bitterly fought campaigns of the Middle East and Mediterranean fronts and which saw Australia?s army, navy and airmen in continuous action for most of 1941,” said Dr James
Australians holding out at Tobruk against the best fascism could throw at them changed the world, so if you’re unfamiliar with the history this is an excellent opportunity.