I am researching a 42-year-old flying saucer story (as you do) from Melbourne’s (then) south-eastern fringe.
On 6 April, 1966, at a place called Westall, a large number of people at two schools (and surrounding areas) in Westall, witnessed a classic flying saucer-shaped object fly over and then descend in a nearby paddock near a thicket of pine trees. Large circles in the grass were later found by people in the paddocks where the objects were seen to descend. The media visited the school and paddock, and the story ran on the Channel Nine news that night in Melbourne, and was featured in the local newspaper “The Dandenong Journal”, and was briefly mentioned in “The Age”. This event occurred mid-morning on a fine day, and the witnesses numbered approximately 200, including a couple of teachers from the high school. Many of the witnesses – and I have interviewed about 150 thus far – talk about the event being hushed up at the time and that any open discussion of the incident was actively discouraged. (For more information please refer to my web site: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/Westallhighschoolufo/)
My query is whether anyone out there has any recollection about this flying saucer event, or any event like it from around the same time (1966), or, indeed, any authentic stories about UFOs in or around Canberra (from then, or perhaps more recently).