Dr Andrew Wilson

About Dr Andrew Wilson

Dr Andrew Wilson is a leading Australian independent property market economist holding a PhD and Masters by Research each in housing market economics together with graduate qualifications in econometrics and construction economics.
Dr Wilson has enjoyed a lengthy career as a chief economist, senior economist and head of research for a number of significant property and construction industry enterprises and also as a lecturer and senior research fellow at RMIT University.
Dr Wilson has published research in various academic journals and industry publications, covering a wide range of residential property and construction issues.
Dr Wilson regularly presents property market intelligence widely to industry and investor groups around Australia and internationally.
Dr Wilson was appointed a housing market expert and adviser to the Federal Government funded, Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network
Dr Wilson is a Member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and has presented numerous keynote addresses including for the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) and the Property Council of Australia (PCA).
Dr Wilson is also one of Australia’s highest profile housing market commentators, appearing regularly in a broad spectrum of print, radio, TV and online media.

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