27 August 2024

'Bizarre': Stadium wars erupt as Lee and Pocock rubbish ACT Government's $3 billion price tag for city stadium

| Ian Bushnell
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Imagining the new Civic stadium. Photo: GHDWoodhead.

An early concept render for a Civic stadium. The ACT Government decided the Civic pool site was not viable. Photo: GHDWoodhead.

The Canberra Liberals and Independent ACT Senator David Pocock have accused the ACT Government of inflating the cost of building a new stadium in the city for political reasons.

However, the government says the up-to $2.9 billion price tag is the result of soaring construction costs that are impacting similar proposed projects around the country.

The estimate is included in a lengthy answer from Sport and Recreation Minister Yvette Berry to a question on notice from Liberal Elizabeth Kikkert that was sourced from an external study the government commissioned from WT Partnership.

Ms Kikkert had asked what the estimated cost would be of updating Canberra Stadium, building a new stadium on the same site and building elsewhere in Bruce. She did not ask about the Civic pool site in the city.

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The government has committed to a new stadium at Bruce after abandoning the city plan as not viable, while the Canberra Liberals say they would still prefer a stadium to be built in the city.

Ms Berry said the cost of a major refurbishment of more than half of Canberra Stadium, including a multi-story carpark, would be between $1.163 billion and $1.194 billion, a knockdown rebuild with accompanying infrastructure between $1.526 billion and $2.056 billion, and for a new build with accompanying infrastructure elsewhere in Bruce between $1.339 billion and $1.869 billion.

She said this compared with between $2.128 billion and $2.9 billion for the Civic pool site, including minimal surrounding stadium infrastructure.

The cost of acquiring land for a car park was not included.

The estimates included allowances for risk of around 30 per cent that would be examined in the next stages of project development.

Ms Berry said Canberra Stadium was still fit for purpose and a further targeted program of refurbishment could be undertaken to improve elements of the stadium without triggering the requirement for a full upgrade.

She said the assumptions for the cost estimates included a 30,000-seat capacity stadium; road changes; for the lower figure, a 100 per cent drip line roof and for the higher, a retractable roof; a 108,000 square metre multi-storey carpark; and surrounding stadium infrastructure such as plazas and landscaping.

“There has been considerable cost escalation in the construction sector, as evidenced through public discourse around other stadium projects or proposals around Australia,” she said.

Ms Berry said the initial estimate for upgrading the Gabba in Brisbane to 50,000 seats ahead of the 2032 Olympics was $1 billion in 2021, but by November 2023, this had risen to $2.7 billion with minimal expansion in scope.

“New stadium builds have also risen in cost substantially,” she said.

A proposal to build a new 50,000 stadium on Victoria Park was costed at between $3.0 and $3.4 billion.

“Similarly, the Tasmanian Government announced in 2023 it would build a 23,000-seat stadium at a cost of $715 million but has since admitted the stadium cannot be built for that amount. An updated costing has not yet been released,” she said.

The WT study was finalised in May this year and is based on a delivery time of 2030. It takes into account various escalations and design creep over that time.

However, Ms Lee said the costings for a new city stadium were bizarre and without basis, particularly when only three years ago, the government’s estimate was just $582 million.

“The Deputy Chief Minister must explain where the 400 per cent increase has come from or if she has misled the Assembly and made up the figure without any basis,” Ms Lee said.

“If infrastructure costs have indeed increased by 400 per cent in three years as claimed by the Minister, then it is incumbent on the Chief Minister to tell Canberrans how he will now fund his infrastructure pipeline of work previously costed at over $8.5 billion. Based on Ms Berry’s updated costings, this equates to $34 billion of total infrastructure spending.”

Ms Lee said the response highlighted that the Labor-Greens government know their Bruce stadium plan is woefully inadequate and does not have the support of the sporting codes or the community.

Commbank Stadium

CommBank Stadium cost $360 million and opened in April 2019 – a bargain against ACT Government estimates for a new stadium at Bruce. Image: Commbank Instagram.

She said recent stadium builds include Parramatta (Commbank) Stadium ($360 million), and Sydney Football Stadium ($828 million) as well as Christchurch Stadium ($625 million) in New Zealand.

“The Minister must table all the costings to give full clarity and transparency on how she has come to this bizarre figure, which would make a new Canberra city stadium among the most expensive in the world.

“It is clear this response is politically motivated and a desperate move from a government that is out of touch, out of ideas, and struggling to sell Canberrans on their poorly conceived policies,” Ms Lee concluded.

Senator Pocock called the costings extraordinary and questioned how realistic they were given the huge disparity with previous estimates.

“I have never seen a government work so hard to kill off an idea that was theirs in the first place,” he said.

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Senator Pocock said that while the figures might be inflated for political reasons, they show the high cost of continuing to delay a decision.

“Over two years into a federal Labor government, one of the biggest barriers to the ACT receiving more federal infrastructure funding is the lack of any detailed business case and ask from the ACT Government,” he said.

“The Commonwealth is putting money on the table. The ACT Government is not doing the work to put in compelling bids.”

Senator Pocock last year promoted a plan for a combined stadium and convention centre, with land sales for new housing in the city to offset most of the development costs, together with a plan to bury Parkes Way and finally connect the city to the Lake.

“We need vision, we need to be bold, and we need to get on with making the case and funding the investments in our city’s future rather than this cycle of sabotaging our own ideas as the ACT Government seems to do time and again,” he said.

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A stadium in the City is a must. We lived in Townsville for a decade and the shift from a suburban to a city stadium was a phenomenal boost in economic and social activity, attracting bands and sporting events that would never have been contemplated in the old suburban ground. Parramatta Stadium is outstanding at $360m. Even with increases in build costs it can’t be $2Bn. Simply ridiculous.

Incidental Tourist8:19 am 29 Aug 24

Liberals object to the insane costings and not to the stadium upgrade. Even Pocock who prioritised stadium above all is objecting to this cost. And knowing Labor/Greens mismanagement we have every reason to believe that whatever the cost it it will be doubled by this tired mob. As expected Labor media is in the negative campaign portraying that objecting to the public waste is objection to infrastructure. This of course is far from the truth as both Pocock and Liberals long campaign for upgrade. Effective and efficient infrastructure upgrade can only be delivered by an alternative government.

As Franco comments: “ABS Population Census 2021 says ACT has total labour force of 146,888. Those make up the employee tax payers.

So a $3b expense has to be shared across tax payers.

That’s $20k per person spread over what ever interest bearing time ACT Government choose.”

$20,000 each. We, and our kids, are going to have to pay for it, and the interest on the debt.
How? Out of ever growing rates.
There will also be the inevitable cost blowouts, mismanagement, union, employee and contractor rorting that occurs with this GreensLabor ‘government’.
Think too of the opportunity cost. Money spent on a stadium is money not spent on roads, schools, hospitals…..
Honesty, accuracy and competence? They don’t even know or won’t tell us the projected cost of the tram.
To paraphase Mrs Thatcher, the trouble with ACT GreensLabor is that eventually they’ll run out of our money.
We get the government we vote for.

Pity the the light rail costings are not available on the same basis as the stadium estimates i.e. with all the necessary incidentals included. Perhaps that would be ‘inconvenient’?

Yes, when it comes to the costs for Light Rail, they sing a completely different tune, Minister Steele saying on Light Rail:

“We need to undertake that level of design and planning approvals before we actually go through the development of a full business case, because if you don’t know the scope of the project, you can’t then cost the projects and you can’t then understand the full benefits of the project.

Apparently early cost estimates can only be developed and released when the government wants to kill options it doesn’t like.

And this was an election promise in 2016!

Gregg Heldon3:30 pm 28 Aug 24

$2.1 billion? I guess that’s for a 100,000 capacity, sliding/retractable roof, sliding seats and gold plated toilet taps.
$2.9 billion would include the Government donation to the CMFEU to guarantee a strike free site.
Or we could look to European examples where lower league football teams get modular 10-20,000 seats stadiums built every year for no more than €100million with the potential to expand capacity. These modular stadia are basically in kit form and can be built in as little as 3 months.

The government’s preference for Bruce and the AIS as a future City stadium is thrilling! Not to mention plans for the potential expansion of light rail from Civic to Belconnen!

I am imagining the expanded and upgraded Hospital and University of Canberra health precincts, upgraded CIT campus and a modern multi-sports stadium as just the beginning!

I am visualising a new CIT campus with a shopping and dining precinct where it now stands with the stadium on its doorstep and a light rail network running along its route!

I love Bruce!!

Cringeworthy sycophant.

Keep on hating, Ken M!

Are your Young Liberal mates back from their trip to the NT campaigning for CLP which was fully funded by right wing lobby group Advance?

GrumpyGrandpa7:23 pm 28 Aug 24

Jack D.
The new Bruce Stadium could be an old Bruce Sadium, by the time LR is running to Belconnen!
Besides based on the government’s ballpark infrastructure costings for

How mad are you that the CLP won the NT, Jack?

I wonder if your jobs are funded by organised crime via the CFMEU. 🤣

Maybe so Grumpy, but there will always be those whingeing about LR, the need for it and the logistics of its implementation. LR is the most complicated city building project our government has ever undertaken and once running, will bring benefits for many years to come.

I grew up in this city and remember well our abysmal public transport system of bus only that was as famous as our roundabouts. The Liberals and their supporters want to take us back to the future with their plans for bus only, always snickering from the sidelines, concentrating on the negatives rather than the positives that LR will bring to our city and future generations.

You were complaining in these pages recently demanding that the LR be scrapped making this very claim.

If our leaders took your view Grumpy we would never have seen the vision of Ben Chifley who gave us the Snowy Hydro, or Menzies who saw the greatness of our city’s future and gave us Lake Burley Griffin and many of the other treasures we are most proud of. Or those other leaders from our past who used their vision to pave the way to cross the Blue Mountains, and those others who gave us our country’s most significant icons such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House which we are most proud of.

I could go on!

You keep talking about these ephemeral benefits of Light Rail but can’t actually detail any figures about what they are and why all Canberrans should be conscripted to pay for them.

If you were correct the government would already have developed and released a robust business case to support the decision.

The “vision” argument is just a cop out for people who can’t provide supporting information for their argument. It’s often used by politicians and their sycophantic supporters for the most base of corrupt activities and pork barrelling.

The previous Liberal/National government used the same types of arguments that you opposed. Why weren’t you supportive of their “progressive” vision?

You usually do go on.
And on, and on, and on, and never seem to achieve anything but further prove to be a propaganda account.

I am dizzy from chewy’s constant rehashing of his same argument, over and over again, failing quite deliberately to comprehend the clear arguments proponents for light rail put forward and the benefits it will bring to this city.

What chewy is demanding is for the government to release its business case for 2B before doing any due diligence or planning. This is the most complex stage of the project, through the Parliamentary triangle with the route unknown. Whining and making demands in these pages despite the federal parliament and ACT governments not finalising their investigations and the NCA, whose decisions are integral to the extension of light rail through Commonwealth land, has not granted any approvals.

Like a dog with a bone, chewy is back, again demanding figures. Detailed reports and contracts for stage 1 and 2A are publicly available. Stage 1 is a success and has opened up business and created economic activity along the route. Stage 2A is the busiest leg of the rail providing access to businesses, residences, entertainment precincts, ANU and major entertainment events at Commonwealth Park. The government released its 5-year light rail progress report which is also publicly available. Daily commuter numbers are also publicly available.

This has all been explained to chewy before but he refuses to comprehend. The Liberals are taking us back to the future and our fourth light rail election offering a flawed bus only travel option which has been in operation in this city for nearly 100 years.

The election is in only 54 days away and chewy and other naysayers can make their intentions clear at that time.

Light rail is a success and no amount of whining, nitpicking and undermining from him or anyone else will change that!

Get on board!!

Jack D,
Showing his failures of comprehension again by avoiding the points and rehashing his failed emotional arguments in the face of overwhelming evidence against them.

Particularly when many of his own points are actually arguments against light rail but he isn’t capable of comprehending it.

“What chewy is demanding is for the government to release its business case for 2B before doing any due diligence or planning”

Still as false as the last time you attempted this argument. What I’m asking for is that they do the due diligence, optioneering and planning before deciding to build future stages of light rail.

Jack is demanding that the government commit to a project and billions of dollars of expenditure before doing the due diligence to even assess whether its a good idea in the first place.

Jack clearly has no understanding of good infrastructure or transport planning.

“Stage 1 is a success and has opened up business and created economic activity along the route”

Baseless claims around “economic activity” doesn’t substitute for actual figures Jack.

The government’s own business case for Stage 1 showed that similar benefits could have been achieved through a BRT system for a fraction of the costs.

Patronage for Stage 1 is still well below the forecasts for 2021 used in the business case despite significantly higher population growth in Canberra, showing it hasn’t delivered the claimed transport benefits which were already low.

“Stage 2A is the busiest leg of the rail providing access to businesses, residences, entertainment precincts, ANU and major entertainment events at Commonwealth Park”

Except it provides none of that, it is a leg to nowhere which the government’s own figures show it will deliver only 40c return for every dollar spent. And this is using a cost estimate less than half what the final contract amount is, the benefit thus being significantly lower than even that pitiful amount.

“The government released its 5-year light rail progress report which is also publicly available. Daily commuter numbers are also publicly available.

Which has already been critiqued here repeatedly as a weak piece of government propaganda, using irrelevant points and blatant misinformation to attempt to put lipstick on a pig.

This has all been explained to Hack, but here he is again spewing his government fed lines in the face of calm and rational analysis.

Even Jack’s own arguments that Stage 1 of Light Rail is inequitable and that future stages are far more complex and costly won’t dent his cognitive dissonance to continue lying about light rail’s merits.

The results of the election changes none of these points, yet its clear that political outcomes over evidence based policy is all Jack cares about.

Chewy has a habit of undermining those he disagrees with, twisting their words and snickering at their opinions. He uses the word “ephemeral” incorrectly to describe my comments in support of light rail. He seems to have a bizarre problem with my use of the word “vision” to describe the contribution of past leaders to this country. This, in chewy’s mind seems to suggest I support corrupt politicians, drawing an odd connection by citing past LNP policies which I opposed as somehow being evidence of this.

As I stated in a previous comment, chewy will continue his nitpicking and rabid anti-rail tirades in these pages due to his obstinance and unwillingness to accept anything proponents put forward.

In just under two months the Canberra Liberals will fail when they take us to our fourth light rail election in 12 years and chewy and other naysayers who support this position will have their say.

Hopefully, after this date they will get the message and we will hear no more from them with our government getting on with the job of taking our city’s public transport system and light rail into the future!

Jack D,
Still cannot deal with facts which is why he needs to go off on partisan rants with emotionally charged points unsubstantiated by evidence.

He doesn’t understand that his use of “vision” doesnt substitute for evidence and that its often been a proxy used by political hacks to justify corrupt practices and wasteful expenditure.

It’s why detailed infrastructure assessment frameworks have been developed to avoid politicians using public funds for projects that aren’t feasible but may have politically driven goals.

It’s something that Jack has claimed to be against when LNP parties have been in charge but suddenly his tune changes when the ALP/Greens are promoting it, outlining his base ideological drivers over sensible evidence based planning. The gross hypocrisy is there for all to see.

Also funny that he uses the Sydney Harbour Bridge as an example, a project that was partially funded with land value capture taxes to make it more equitable for people who didnt benefit, exactly as I have suggested be implemented for light Rail.

It’s also ironic that Jack claims that I’m against Light Rail when I’ve repeatedly said that I’m supportive of public transport infrastructure that is assessed as showing clear long term economic returns on the expenditure, which has not been done for light rail at present.

Light Rail (or other higher capacity modes) may well make sense in the future but it doesn’t now. As shown by the government’s own evidence.

Jack once again finishes with the only thing he cares about, the political outcome of his favoured party winning government. Facts don’t matter to him as long as his preferred party are in power.

One does not have to be a Labor supporter to be an advocate for light rail chewy!

There is a lot of support out there for light rail even amongst Liberal supporters and the party’s current candidates.
One local Liberal candidate in my electorate seems only too willing to tell voters that he is a light rail supporter but is toeing the party line in seeking election!

I agree with you that you don’t need to be an ALP supporter to be a Light rail supporter but that clearly doesn’t apply to you.

You do however have to ignore the clear failings of governance and disregard evidence based infrastructure planning, which unfortunately does apply to you.

You keep banging on about the Liberals still blindly missing the fact that I don’t care about your partisan rants.

I only care about good planning and reducing wasteful government expenditure, which is why we disagree on the issue.

Time to remove these clowns from Govt , its been nothing but decline for our great capital over the last 20 years & its time for a change. This Stadium debacle is the last straw, and if Barr had done his job 10 years ago we’d have a new stadium that we desperately. But he or his govt never wanted a rectangle stadium & are now intentionally inflating the cost estimates to further justify not doing anything. The libs need to be given a chance to fix the mess this govt has left us with including the stadium issue.

Margaret Freemantle10:05 pm 28 Aug 24

I prefer a change in Labor leadership. My view is that Barr is the problem

What a strange statement. Canberra has not declined in 20 years. I’ve been her since 2007 and almost everything about the physical infrastructure and general vibe of Canberra has improved. Braddon used to be a car yard in the centre of the city, the number of great bars and restaurants has gone right up, public spaces are much better, play areas for kids are vastly improved, there are lots of great public events. Canberra is a thriving modern city.

We don’t need a stadium to distract us from the communism

Sadly with our current administration $3bn is probably fair money for their union favoured cronies to have a crack at building anything here in Canberra.

Kathleen Downes4:49 am 28 Aug 24

Is the swimming pool precinct large enough to deal with a stadium, traffic, parking, room to move? Plus the budget needs to have experts as the amounts are pole to pole different. Who can we believe?

Incidental Tourist9:16 pm 27 Aug 24

The public expected from the treasurer some accountability for the budget. Unless he calculates that he retires and moves interstate before ACT becomes bankrupt.

Pocock should look at whats happening with the NBN.

ACT government EVO is blocking out further rollouts, NBN Co says without any deals with ACT gov they’re going elsewhere.

Canberra pays the most taxes and what do we have to show for it? High development costs and expensive trades…

How exactly do you believe Evoenergy are “blocking” The NBN roll-out?

Where are the Canberra Liberals’ plans and ideas for a new stadium rather than put-downs and whining from the sidelines?

Everyone wants a new stadium including me. I have more confidence in Senator David Pocock working with the government to achieve these results than the Canberra Liberals. The party has no policies, nor do they have a representative in the parliament , losing their only senator in an embarrassing loss at the last election!

Yet again we see the Liberals focusing wholly on Labor and every negative they can come up with because they are too lazy to do the necessary work and the hard yards, hoping voters will not notice.

We see it at every election, the party relying on mud slinging and negativity, silly stunts and slogans because they have no policy substance.

When will the Canberra Liberals learn that ACT voters are smarter than they ever give them credit for!

This is your funniest post yet Jack.

What about all the economic activity a new stadium would drive around the city area just like it has in other cities?

The clear benefits don’t need proper investigations, options analysis or proper planning.

Why would the current government reject such proposals when costs or business cases don’t matter, just like for other projects…….

My Lord – what a true Lefty Statement… this Government has been in so long even they are believing what they are saying (as opposed to the downright lies during an election cycle they know they will not fulfil) – just dribble….

Where in my comment did I question the viability of a new stadium in the city? In fact, I expressed my support for a new stadium. The CM has previously indicated the unviability of a stadium in the city due to size, logistical issues and costs with their preferred site in Bruce.

The Liberals have pushed ahead with the city option criticising the government for its decision and its proposal for the Bruce site, claiming the government is inflating costs with the city option.

It is now up to the Liberals to put forward an alternative vision for a stadium at their preferred site in the city, how they will work with the federal government to achieve this should they win government in 53 days rather than snickering away on the sidelines without offering any alternatives!

They have only been in opposition for 23 years!

I tend to agree Jack. This is why I really want to see the variety of independents get a foothold in the assembly. Whether you agree with their policies or not, they all seem ready to engage in a productive and collaborative way just as Senator Pocock has at the Federal level.

Although unlikely Craig, I have concerns that Independents for Canberra will win balance of power. IFC has already revealed their anti-government, anti-light rail agenda indicating that they are not willing to engage with the CM or his government.

IFC are nothing like David Pocock who has a policy of engaging and negotiating with the government in good faith but has failed to offer them any support.

Good that the government is identifying the significant increases in construction costs that are occurring for large infrastructure projects.

Wonder if they can use the same estimator and release the costs for light rail Stage 2 for comparison….

Another massive debt for tax payers to shoulder.

ABS Population Census 2021 says ACT has total labour force of 146,888. Those make up the employee tax payers.

So a $3b expense has to be shared across tax payers.

That’s $20k per person spread over what ever interest bearing time ACT Government choose.

I’m saying ‘no more expenses at my expense’.

To be fair, Labor can’t build a public toilet for under a million bucks.

An incredibly inciteful observation (and I actually mean that sincerely!)

I love your comments, correct every time. Wish there was a thumbs up button.

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