The Canberra Times has the headlines today “Wait ends in death“. It appears that a 30 year old male who went to Canberra Hospital was triaged as Category 3 status, and told to take a seat. There were a number of cases ahead of him, and he ended up having a heart attack in his seat whilst he was waiting.The article goes on to say that once it was recognised that he had suffered a cardiac arrest he was resuscitated and moved to intensive care where he later died.
Simon Corbell (the acting Health Minister) is quick in immediately trying to absolve the Government of any responsibility. But lets face it this is a Stanhopian typical tact, when is the Stanhope government ever responsible when things are not going well? I am sure they are going to try and blame the Feds for this problem too!
The ABC Online is also covering the story stating the even the nurses through their union are indicating that problems need to be fixed.
My thoughts and condolences go out the the man’s family, but surely people presenting to A+E should be under observation even if they are waiting their turn to be seen.
I am sure had his cardiac arrest been picked up earlier he would have had a much greater chance of survival – the longer it takes to respond to a heart attack the more severe the damage will be. Refer to this article from The Medical Journal of Australia
[Ed. ABC online has some updates with the public being urged not to overreact and news of futher investigations.]