The Canberra Times informs us that the Rudd Government has put the kibosh on the ACT’s planned civil union legislation.
“It’s quite clear the assurances given yesterday are not as clearcut as they first appeared,” Mr Corbell said.
Neither Mr Corbell nor Mr McClelland would publicly outline the sticking points of their meeting, but it is understood federal Labor does not condone the ACT legislation because it too closely mimics the act of marriage.
The first of a great many disappointments to come for St Kevin the Progressive’s true believers.
But I’d like you to cast your mind back to midweek when caf analysed Stanhopian utterances and determined the deal had been sealed.
Of course any analysis assuming to competence, intelligence, or even sanity of our elected leaders should be viewed as suspect. But I’d been out of town for a while and had forgotten how bad it is.