The Greens’ Shane Rattenbury has expressed his disappointment with yesterday’s release of the ACT’s Sustainable Energy Policy:
“The ACT has an ambitious greenhouse gas emissions target and yet there is no connection between meeting that target and this document, even though the two policies are inextricably linked.
“After two years of development and a whole host of consultants’ reports, this document has failed to lay out a clear pathway to the ACT’s 40% emissions target.
“There are some big picture things that we thought this document would tell us, there are questions that remain unanswered:
– where we will source our energy?
– what proportion will be renewable and non-renewable?
– what is the balance between what we purchase and what we generate locally?
– what investment will we make into building a smarter, renewable friendly grid?
– what mechanisms will we utilise to grow our renewable energy use?
– where is the discussion of precinct energy planning?