Important Planning Issues for South Canberra
Public Meeting – All Welcome
Presented by Inner South Canberra Community Council (ISCCC)
At Eastlake Football Club Tues 7pm 14 Sept 2010
Speakers invited from ACTPLA & NCA
- • What is the optimum population level for the ACT and how does the Government sees its role in facilitating residential growth to meet population projections?
• What areas of the ACT would the ACT Government rule out (or not) for development?
• Proposed legislative changes should be designed to facilitate fair consideration of development proposals from both the developers’ perspective and the view of the wider community
• Proposed and possible developments from new Molonglo through the Inner South to Symonston
• An overview of proposed and future possible development in the Parliamentary Triangle, and on major arterial roads in the Inner South area (e.g. Adelaide, Canberra and Wentworth Avenues).