Can anyone tell me what is happening at radio station 2CC? It seems they are self destructing.
The reason I mention it now is on the back of what I read on Samuel Gordon Stewart’s blog this morning (which I confirmed by visiting the 2CC Twitter page myself). Apparently 2CC posted on twitter that “listeners should turn their clocks BACK one hour on Saturday night before going to bed”. If it was April Fools Day, you may well excuse this blunder – but they are supposed to be credible talk station. And we all know, clocks went FORWARD one hour!.
This latest mistake comes after a few months of poor radio. I have given up on 2CC, and every time I switch over to give them one more chance, they disappoint me. I am tired of the poor quality of news bulletins, with journalists stumbling through stories. Of the constant “cutting off” of network feeds due to getting to the news. The amount of time I have listened to the last minutes of Tim Webster just before 3pm, only to get cut off!
I accepted Mike Jeffries was never coming back, but Mark Parton is just no match. Yeah, he has people on his show and is in touch with local issues, but it seems he spends all his time on Twitter! I do have a twitter account, but I’m sure that most in his age group, who would.
And don’t get me started on Mike Welsh! How this man still has a job on radio is a mystery to me. I had a look at the ratings on SGS blog, and he dropped audience. Not surprising! This man fumbles his way through stories, talks over people, and then patronises his news staff who do sound very young.
I’m sorry, but I have been in Canberra for 20 years and enjoy talk radio. Between ABC and 2CC, i always got my fix of good quality news. But I seem to be moving more towards ABC now. I don’t mind Steve Price and Tim Webster (and I know they come from Sydney), but it seems the local DJ’s are letting the team down.
I don’t know much about the operation at 2CC and would like to find out more. I do hate criticising people for what they do, but I feel that Canberra is losing one of its heritage stations, and no doubt it has something to do with saving money.
Please, share with me what stories you have and how we can save this once popular radio station.