3 April 2012

Late Night Gardeners (plant thieves)

| Ex Warrior
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Warning all keen horticulturists the late night gardeners are busy at it as per usual this time of year.

Had 2 beauties removed last night so be aware, the flea bags are on the prowl!!

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AsparagusSyndrome10:11 pm 04 Apr 12

Ex Warrior said :

AsparagusSyndrome said :

Hey, Ex Warrior, do you do horticultural requests?

I need some azalias, a bunch of correas, a few nice dwarf conifers and some ground-cover grevilleas. Can you let me know when you’ll be putting any of those in? Do you have room for me to back a trailer up? Oh, and leave a night light on, please – I find it hard to dig and hold a torch at the same time. Thanks mate!

Drive ya trailer straight in, I’ll do the diggin while me misses gives you a lappy.

Thanks mate! You’re a true sport!

AsparagusSyndrome said :

Hey, Ex Warrior, do you do horticultural requests?

I need some azalias, a bunch of correas, a few nice dwarf conifers and some ground-cover grevilleas. Can you let me know when you’ll be putting any of those in? Do you have room for me to back a trailer up? Oh, and leave a night light on, please – I find it hard to dig and hold a torch at the same time. Thanks mate!

Drive ya trailer straight in, I’ll do the diggin while me misses gives you a lappy.

I wish someone would come steal some of the plants from my backyard. But I know they would just take on of the few I like.

A friend recently put in a decent hedge, and I was amazed how much he spent. Each little plant doesn’t cost that much, but it sure adds up quick when you need 30 or so…

Only happens to avid gardeners who have precious plants that are expensive in dollar terms.

For example, my next door neighbour’s Japanese Cherry Blossom was stolen overnight. Believe you me, it was NOT a small tree either, and probably will cost a fortune even on the black market.

That is why having a dog that can at least alert you that someone’s spending too long time near your house is a good idea.
Having said that, I understand that not everyone likes to own a dog or can own a dog.

Holden Caulfield1:10 am 04 Apr 12

I’d like the hedge plants back that some arsewipe stole a while back please.

AsparagusSyndrome11:15 pm 03 Apr 12

Hey, Ex Warrior, do you do horticultural requests?

I need some azalias, a bunch of correas, a few nice dwarf conifers and some ground-cover grevilleas. Can you let me know when you’ll be putting any of those in? Do you have room for me to back a trailer up? Oh, and leave a night light on, please – I find it hard to dig and hold a torch at the same time. Thanks mate!

angrymotorist1 said :

…you are asking this question to throw us all off the scent.

“*sniff sniff* What’s that smell?”

“It smells like Otto’s jacket”

angrymotorist1 said :

Pooks said :

What plant/tree/shrub/ground-cover/succulent did they steal?

Who would steal a plant??? Honestly….

I put it to you that it was in fact YOU who stole the plants and you are asking this question to throw us all off the scent.

I just spent a thousand dollars at Rodney’s

I have enough bloody Magnolia’s of my own, thank you.

It’s more common than you think, newly planted hedges are often a target. People just don’t want to have to cough up money to buy their own and spot someone with nice plants in the garden. In the morning you have an empty garden.

angrymotorist18:51 pm 03 Apr 12

Pooks said :

What plant/tree/shrub/ground-cover/succulent did they steal?

Who would steal a plant??? Honestly….

I put it to you that it was in fact YOU who stole the plants and you are asking this question to throw us all off the scent.

What plant/tree/shrub/ground-cover/succulent did they steal?

Who would steal a plant??? Honestly….

Non narcotic plant stealing?? I have never heard of that. Who would steal some pansies or rose bushes?

Wait a sec you are a ganja farmer aren’t you?

Tell them to come and steal the roses that keep coming back in my veggie garden.

In Belco mate.

What part of the Territory did this happen?

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