From tomorrow, drivers convicted of certain drink driving offences will be subject to a mandatory interlock condition after serving a period of driver licence disqualification, Attorney General, Simon Corbell said today at the launch of the ACT’s alcohol interlock program.
An alcohol interlock is an electronic breath testing device wired into the ignition of a vehicle that requires the driver to blow an alcohol free breath sample into the device before the vehicle will start.
“This program is an important addition to the initiatives the ACT Government has in place to combat drink driving and improve road safety for our community,” Mr Corbell said.
The program will require high-risk drink drivers, including those who register a blood alcohol concentration of 0.15 or more and certain repeat offenders, to participate in a mandatory interlock program.
Only when these drivers have served at least half their licence disqualification period, spent a minimum period driving with an interlock fitted, complied with any court ordered treatment, and demonstrated a period of clean driving, will they be able to have the interlock condition removed from their licence.
“An important element of the mandatory program is the requirement for participants to be assessed to determine what treatment or programs might assist them to separate drinking and driving.
“It is important that we have programs directed at supporting more enduring changes to the behaviour of more high-risk drink driving offenders.”
Other drink driving offenders, such as low-range and first offenders, will be able to elect to participate in a voluntary interlock program.
“This will be an option at any time during the person’s disqualification period, but they will be subject to a minimum period of six months on the program and also be required to demonstrate a period of clean driving before they can exit the interlock program.”
The interlock program will be subject to an evaluation.
(Simon Corbell Media Release)