Good to see the Liberals have at long last got a team up and running to challenge Stanhope at the October election.
There was very little opposition for the positions – reflective of the Party leadership and direction at present – but it was good to see some sitting Liberal member’s outpolled.
In Molonglo, the hopeless Jacquie Burke only received seven votes. While the candidate that Zed Seselja was supporting, a guy called Hanson, only received two votes. The guy that Brendan Smyth and Burke have been trying to undermine, Gary Kent, finished a close second behind Seselja in the Molonglo vote. Belinda Barnier, a twice failed Federal candidate, only received 11 votes.
Even more amusing was out in Brindabella where soccer heavy Steven Doszpot outpolled both sitting members – Smyth and Pratt. Smyth and Pratt are both way past their due-by-date and even Liberal members are starting to get sick and tired off their appalling antics. A friend of mine who attended the meeting said that Smyth and Jacquie Burke had orchestrated a campaign to undermine Doszpot – but members rallied around Doszpot.
With the pre-selection of new blood perhaps the Liberals can start to challenge Stanhope.
We can only hope that the voters will now kick the likes of Smyth and Burke out of the Assembly now.