“Hey gang what time is it?” I call out into the cold Monday morning.
“IT’S BAD PARKING TIME!” Canberra screams in response.
Let’s do it.
If you’ve spotted an awful park and would like to publicly shame the car responsible (or at least share the moment with other Canberrans), please email the photos to images@the-riotact.com.
Please include the word ‘parking’ in the subject and what name you would like to be credited as in the body.
1. Erkzo is the first cab off the rank this week:
Commodores parking between the disabled parks, just disgusting.
2. Andrew is out of words:
Words fail me!
3. Adam has eagle eyes for P plates:
Queanbeyan SES Unit 3, looks to be a cheeky way of getting around the recent parking fee rise at ANU (note the P plate).
4. Madam Cholet proves the point that it’s not only cars that can be parked poorly:
Clocked this really nice act of kindness today outside of Calwell shopping centre. I personally don’t know what anyones problem with taking their trolley back to the trolley park is, but leaving your trolley in the disabled spot is going one further. You can see the hotch potch of trolleys in almost every corner of the entrance. For the record, I moved it and wheeled it inside back to Woolworths. God how my legs hurt and my arms ached after doing that (not) – wheeling an empty trolley back to where it was originally picked up when someone would have wheeled it out full of their shopping and then picked up that shopping and loaded it in to their car before using their tired out legs and arms to drive home. They must have needed a really long lie down. As we can see they did not have the strength to even wheel it up the slope provided. Come on people, have some more consideration.
5. Anthony likes acronyms:
YAPD – Yey Another Parking Douch.
I’m just getting around to send this one in. Its the KFC carpark in Gungahlin were parking is already very tight without this kind of douch-baggery.
![AA ACRONYM ANTHONY](http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-jAr4AvjT9OI/UYbyxf7MQwI/AAAAAAAADaA/QL7KyfF9LCE/s600/06-IMG_20130301_191052.jpg)
6. Jo sticks to the facts:
Corner of Northbourne and the Barton Highway… Friday 26 April
7. Pink little birde spotted this one:
This was taken Thursday night at the aranda ovals at about 6pm. At a time when the ovals are full of juniors soccer training. The entire other side of the parking lot was empty. Genius parking…
![Bird's eye view](http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-4W6qnNhSVT4/UYbyrZ2u5NI/AAAAAAAADZQ/eEj_wGRkq7E/s600/08-adsfIMAG0355.jpg)
8. Sandcaw believes it’s never too early to teach you children about bard parkers:
Couldn’t resist this – taken a few weeks ago at Dunlop! My kids were in hysterics in the back of the car!
9. Bubzie was on the prowl bright and early this morning:
Two from Braddon, this morning.
With the green car, note the no parking sign. And the ‘no entry’ sign on the fence.
I know parking in Braddon is ridiculous, but..come on guys!!
![Bubsy was a](http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Q5QmlKn8wOY/UYbysjf-TlI/AAAAAAAADZY/XBoDISM_IJ0/s600/11-IMAG1528.jpg)
![Bobcat on the SNES](http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-Z9YfFwHnW5g/UYbyuB_vljI/AAAAAAAADZg/WIj5BxWw__w/s600/10-IMAG1529.jpg)
10. Methinks Ladywriter is being sarcastic:
Saw this in Manuka today.
Nice to see a P-Plater with such fine parking skills…
![See it's actually quite a bad park](http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-OkluxfymNGc/UYbyvuSUM3I/AAAAAAAADZo/STzCOesZXPU/s600/13-IMG_1371.jpg)
11. Queen of contributors Poptop has hit us with four fabulous photos:
Homework for bad parking Monday complete. 🙂
12. Aldo sends us what is technically a bad park:
This person was barking up the wrong tree!
13. Lastly Cam sends us a reminder that bad parking is not just a local specific problem, it’s global:
This one from Amsterdam when I was there 2 years ago.