Twenty-two people were caught drink-driving on ACT roads last week (July 1-7), with 13 of those drivers being repeat offenders.
Six of the drink-drivers were subject to a zero Alcohol Content reading, and 10 had their licences seized through the issuance of Immediate Suspension Notices.
The highest reading for the week was recorded around 3am on Saturday, July 6 in Gladstone Street, Fyshwick. The driver, a 24-year-old Palmerston man returned a positive roadside screening test and was taken to City Police Station where he recorded a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) reading of 0.183.
Officer-in-Charge of Traffic Operations Sergeant Mark Steel said the message does not seem to be getting through to some Canberra motorists and it is clear these drivers have a complete disregard for other road users.
“We are still seeing similar numbers each month of those who continue to drink and drive, and those who are repeat offenders. The message is not getting through. While we are seeing short term benefits during our targeted campaigns, what we really want is a long-term culture change,” Sergeant Steel said.
“As a community we need to say that drink-driving is not acceptable, it’s appalling that these 22 drink drivers have shown such disregard for the law and are clearly willing to put not only their own lives at risk but also those of their passenger and other road users.
“If you breach the road rules and place your own life or the lives of others in danger, we will catch you.
“Every police car is fitted with breath-testing equipment so if you chose to ignore the message to drink or drive, you could be caught anywhere, anytime.”
ACT Policing is targeting speeding during the month of July as part of its multi-agency road safety strategy.
[Courtesy ACT Policing]