Invitation to the Narrabundah Community Festival 2010
Sat 13th March 2010 at the Narrabundah Shops, Iluka St, Narrabundah 12 noon to 4pm
A reunion of previous residents of the Workman’s Suburb of Narrabundah a.k.a. The prefabs, demountable area, lower Narrabundah, the fibros, nappy valley, rainbow valley
Old Narrabundah Community Council (ONCC Inc) invites you to attend our festival this year. The theme of the festival is our suburbs history and we invite previous residents, from 1947 on, to return to their old stamping grounds.
A Narrabundah Prefab History Group has been formed and contributions in the form of images, written stories, oral history etc are being sought.
Attractions at the Narrabundah Community Festival: our people; our local shops; live music; multicultural food, historians; stalls from community groups.
Please park in temporary carpark paddock north of Karingal Court, entrance on Boolimba Cresc.
John Keeley,
For more information on the festival please contact the co-ordinator:
Austin Lynch email; aussielyn at optusnet dot com dot au Ph 02 6295 7677 (please leave message)