Canberra Times brings us word that ACT Policing have closed Northbourne Avenue due to a domestic. Apparently someone is refusing to leave a home and negotiations are underway. No specifics yet.
[Ed – the story has since been updated to indicate the seven hour seige ended at 3.45am]
UPDATE: The Police media release is now up:
ACT Policing has arrested a 28-year-old Turner man after he barricaded himself within his Condamine Street unit overnight.
Police will allege they attended the unit around 8.45pm last night (Monday, August 23) in relation to a breach of a domestic violence order. The alleged offender refused to leave his unit, and negotiations commenced with ACT Policing’s Specialist Response and Security team.
About 3.45am this morning (Tuesday, August 24) the man safely exited the residence and surrendered himself to police without incident after extensive communication with police negotiators.
Throughout the incident, no residents in the surrounding area were evacuated.
The man was conveyed to the ACT Watch House and is expected to face the ACT Magistrates Court this morning.