As the elected member for FRASER I will:
* balance economic policy with social and environmental considerations. Good economic management is about getting the balance right. It’s a “triple bottom line;”
* introduce human rights and privacy legislation that will protect all people, regardless of race, gender, religion or place of origin. NO privacy invasions, NO Access Card;
* ensure that law enforcement agencies are accountable to the courts and the parliament;
* maintain the traditional Democrats principle of supporting legislation that is fair and equitable and seek to amend and make fairer that which is not;
* support social spending programmes for affordable housing and Paid Maternity Leave;
* ensure that whichever party forms the government, they are held accountable for their actions;
* support industries that create jobs and are kind to the environment, and not those that will make problems for future generations. NO uranium mining and NO nuclear reactors;
encourage investment in sustainable agricultural practices and sensible rural water management.
* encourage sensible use and management of urban water;
* encourage and support environmentally sustainable practices in renewable energy and energy efficiency