27 November 2018

Same-sex pedestrian signals given the green light in Braddon

| Lachlan Roberts
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Photos: Supplied by City Renewal Authority.

Pedestrian lights in the heart of Canberra have been changed from the ‘walking man’ to walking male and female same-sex couples, in what is believed to be a nation-wide first.

Eight green pedestrian lights at the intersection of Cooyong Street, Lonsdale Street and Genge Street in Braddon have been changed thanks to a new initiative by the City Renewal Authority.

City Renewal Authority CEO Malcolm Snow said the project would replace selected pedestrian lights around the precinct in order to better recognise the diversity of the local Canberra community and the different characters of its places.

The new green pedestrian lights have been installed for nearly three weeks and Mr Snow said the busy intersection was selected because Braddon has “distinctively been the place of celebration for Canberra’s LGBTIQ community”.

Nearly three out of every four Canberrans supported a change to the Marriage Act — the highest ‘yes’ result in the country, with Lonsdale Street hosting an impromptu street party after the same-sex marriage survey results were announced last year.

“A year ago we saw this area filled with people, colour and joy after the country voted overwhelmingly in favour of marriage equality,” Mr Snow said.

“The rainbow roundabout installed late last year has been a popular feature, and the area has hosted significant events as part of this year’s SpringOut Festival, which includes the SpringOut Community Picnic in Haig Park this Sunday.

“Starting this project, with this theme, at this location was a really easy decision.”

Mr Snow said the authority will now look for other sites within the City Renewal Precinct to upgrade pedestrian lights at intersections to highlight the diversity of the nation’s capital.

“The City Renewal Precinct is full of many different people and places and the authority sees strengthening diversity as a critical element of a successful city,” Mr Snow said.

“Where we can match up shapes that capture a specific area’s character and identity, and those shapes can practically be made into a pedestrian light shroud, we will look to extend the project in other parts of the precinct.”

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These two stick figures are men centric. Melbourne is introducing pedestrian stick figures wearing dresses. There to be inclusive there should be two stick figures wearing dresses. And before Australia thumps it chest with these new signs, search for Linz, AUSTRIA where this initiative was tried in 2015. Now abandoned.

They’re not “men centric”, “women centric” or any other “centric”. They are generic stick figures representing both sexes. It is just that both figures are the same gender in order to promote inclusiveness. Sheesh! Do you really need to have it explained to you?

Capital Retro6:00 pm 08 Dec 18

WALK or DON’T WALK is all we need.

Mike of Canberra10:16 am 30 Nov 18

If we really wish to reflect the composition of our community, then surely we need a further 9 pedestrian lights showing a man holding hands with a woman for the “walk” signal.

I am not at all impressed with this change to pedestrian lights. I think it is a ridiculous waste of taxpayers money. Do we need special pedestrian lights for other minority groups? Where does it stop? Use our money for more useful things such as leveling poor footpaths and lots of other issues that affect ALL of us

More wasted funds when the homeless, the mentally ill and the sick are crying out for funding.

Queanbeyanite7:51 pm 29 Nov 18

You’re paying way too much in rates over there.

I think that they should show a little old lady or man so that older people don’t get offended. Then, of course, there should be some with mothers or fathers pushing a pram, and some with children. I could go on and on. There are so many different people that this is ridiculous. Leave them as they were.

If the cost was $5500 it was a great investment for CBR domestically and internationally.. Brilliant cheap idea to make us and others proud of CBR. The wowsers who complain should get a bit more strategic.

Enjoyable reading the meltdown from some in the comments on this…

Every government has stupid things it likes to waste money on. This is hardly offensive bar to those that are easily offended in the grand scheme of things, and the cost is nothing in comparison to some of the major folly’s of this Government.

What is Malcolm Snow’s track record on gender equity in his workforce over the years? That is what matters. Andrew Barr’s record is abysmal- e.g. 5% women workers on the light rail, because he didn’t have the nous to write gender balance requirements into the contract. Women want their taxes spent equitably. Pedestrian figures schmigures!

Capital Retro7:17 am 28 Nov 18

This is nothing to do with gender equity because if it was, the sign would say simply “WALK or DON’T WALK”.

HiddenDragon9:27 pm 27 Nov 18

If this is one small part of a strategy to make serious bucks for Canberra out of well-heeled pink dollar tourism (or something similar) then that’s fine, and it’s probably worth the (relatively) small cost.

Wow, some people work themselves into a lather of righteous indignation over the most trivial things. Stop feeling threatened and Lighten up numpties! Life’s too short not to get a giggle now and then.

ChrisinTurner6:28 pm 27 Nov 18

What a waste of money. People would prefer their streets swept properly, footpaths fixed, white roadway lines repainted, street trees replaced etc etc.

Mohamad Elkheir6:12 pm 27 Nov 18


Stupidity knows no bounds.

And this is why we need rid of the Labour/Green virtue signalling coalition….

Your rates $ at work.

Capital Retro9:21 am 27 Nov 18

I had to check the date when I read this in the CT this morning.

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