Last week the Greens’ Amanda Bresnan announced that she was releasing a “discussion paper on how the ACT can progress to the next paradigm in mental health services”.
(Come back! come back! I promise we won’t allow the “p word” to sully the front page again this month.)
Today the discussion paper has actually gone online so we can now comment about it.
It’s a substantial document, here’s the vision statement:
- The Green’s vision is of a mental health system that:
— is centred on and driven by the needs of the consumer;
— supports carers and families in supporting consumers when needed;
— focuses on reducing the frequency and intensity of crises; and
— provides help and support where it is needed.
To get there they’re proposing spending 12% of the health budget on mental health.
Resources not being infinite what areas of health spending would you support cutting to make way for this increased spend on mental health?