Fadden’s mysterious mulch pile has raised questions for local residents – many of whom thought the mulch was free for the taking. Photo: Facebook.
Life is full of mysteries.
Mulch isn’t usually one of them, especially a whopping great pile of it in Canberra’s South.
Nonetheless, that’s exactly what’s been confusing residents of Tuggeranong.
A large pile of mulch on the side of Isabella Drive (alongside The Dome in Fadden, opposite Chisholm Shops) has been interpreted as a free-for-all by many residents, while others have been more cautious.
A recent Facebook post on a local community noticeboard ignited a huge debate about whether or not it was okay to grab the mulch, where it came from and whether it was actually safe to use on local gardens.
Some believed it belonged to the government and was not free to use.
Others said companies were dumping it there instead of having to pay to dispose of it.
One resident claimed a family member had been caught taking some when the police pulled up and advised them it was government-owned property and they should not be taking it.
Reports of police speaking to people in the area were backed up by many social media commentators.
Unfortunately, for lovers of the “free” mulch, the pile is about to disappear for good.
A spokesperson for the government confirmed it has been investigating the mulch since late last year.
Their early investigations determined the mulch was mostly wood chip material.
“The ACT Government is aware of the pile and is a result of illegal dumping in the area,” the government’s full statement read.
“We have been conducting surveillance activities in the area to deter this behaviour.
“Residents are advised to not take any contents from the mulch pile.”
Signage has already been installed at the site informing residents not to use material from the mulch pile and the government has begun removing other waste which has been dumped in the area, the spokesperson confirmed.
The government says it plans to remove the mulch pile next month.
But this isn’t the first time this particular mulch pile has come to the attention of authorities.
The topic was raised in 2018 on an ABC Radio gardening show and again in 2020 with the government.
Signage was installed in the area two years ago to advise people CCTV was operating in the area. But the consensus in a separate social media discussion was that unfenced and unmonitored anything was free for the taking … as long as you don’t get caught.
Whether the pile returns after next month’s removal remains to be seen.
It’s understood similar mulch piles can be found in Charnwood.