BFF and I were entering the Belco Mall car park, pausing to collect a ticket, when we encountered the most serious case of road-overreaction I have ever experienced. BFF paused for maybe one second to place the ticket in the sun visor, causing the driver of the car behind us to honk his horn and scream abuse at us. We had already started moving by then so were a buit bemused as to why the abuse was considered necessary but this loser then whipped around us and came to a stop in front of our car, presumably to demonstrate how gosh-darned irritating it is to be delayed by someone. Gestures and shouting ensued before he took off again, having used more time to do this than we used in collecting the parking ticket in the first place. When both our vehicles were parked, the man then advised us that we are “typical dykes” (we aren’t, but so what?) who give everyone the s**ts because we can’t f***ing drive. When he then tugged his toddler son from the back seat, I suggested he wasn’t setting a good example and might like to consider seeking some assistance with anger management. The woman with him remained silent throughout this whole strange encounter.
So, Rioters, what is the acceptable length of time a person can take between plucking a car parking ticket from the machine and setting off again?