19 February 2008

Tuggeranong a hive of drugs and violent crime, apparently

| Skidbladnir
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Three media releases, all to do with Tuggeranong and the favourite pasttime of its residents, unbridled criminal behaviour.

1) A 27yo Gordon-based male was caught trafficking ecstasy in at an unnamed nightclub.

2) An alleged assault on a student in class at Calwell High:

…the victim was sitting in class with about 30 other students when three other males, not part of the same class, entered.
The males told the class teacher the intended victim was wanted at the front office, but when asked, could not produce a note as proof.
Two of the alleged offenders then punched the 15-year-old victim repeatedly about the face and head… (the victim) was then taken to hospital for treatment.

3) Violent Sexual Assault in Chisholm: Between 3.15am and 3.45am Sunday, a 48-year-old Chisholm woman was attacked and sexually assaulted by a male offender while walking near the Norriss Street-side of Caroline Chisholm High School in Chisholm.
The victim suffered extensive facial injuries during the assault before fleeing to a nearby friend’s house and contacting police. She was later conveyed to The Canberra Hospital.

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Apparently I scooped the ABC by posting this at 10am, it took them till 1600hrs 19Feb08 to run a story on 666. To their credit, they did get a comment out of the AEU President to run with, but we already had commentary going on, and Nyssa showed up here at 1700hrs.

Deadmandrinking6:26 pm 21 Feb 08

“You young whipper snappers…I was all finished with school before the 90’s!”

I was too, but they made me stay 11 years more 🙁

Hi gramps 🙂

You young whipper snappers…I was all finished with school before the 90’s!

Deadmandrinking2:11 pm 21 Feb 08

I started school in 89, you pack of senile old hags.

I actually agree with Vy’s statement about the teachers having a right to defend the students using whatever means nessercary. I’m all for rehabilitation and alternatives to rpison once the offenders are going through the system, but at the actual time of the offence, the victim should be allowed to use any kind of force nessercary – even a punch in the head and a few kicks as they’re going down, just for the satisfaction.

Violent rhetoric aside, this sort of crap has been going on for years. In high school, students were frequently coming in from other schools to settle differences made on the weekends at parties. I remember one occasion where a girl from another school slapped the principal across the face as he was trying to break up a catfight on the oval. The cops came and the girl tried to bolt, leading to a rather amusing lunch-time show.

I hate to say it, but I think it’s vital that unforms are enforced the whole year round instead of just the first three weeks as I remember. That and maybe even security guards – as long as the security guards aren’t there to police the enrolled students like they do in the states.

la mente torbida1:48 pm 21 Feb 08

First form in ’71 … I gotta get a life!

el ......TECortina 250 Deathtrap9:45 pm 20 Feb 08


Yr 7 in 1989. Crap.

Instead of punishing the REALLY bad kids, they would be given all kinds of rewards and “fun things” which would of course turn them
into little angels, whereas if you were “normal” and did something very minor you were punished pretty severely.
(very skewed according to race too, you know, PC and everything)
One of the worst kids in the school was *MADE* SRC representative. What the. (*He’s been in and out of jail since)

Welcome to what actually goes on in schools…..I say no more.

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy9:21 pm 20 Feb 08

Then I guess, by definition, your opinion is officially considered irrelevant.

green_frogs_go_pop7:16 pm 20 Feb 08

I was born in 1990..wow i feel young now. owch.

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy7:09 pm 20 Feb 08

It’s interesting how close we all are age. Probably the reason we love hanging crap on each other!

neanderthalsis5:08 pm 20 Feb 08

I’ll align myself with the older generation as well: Yr 7 in 1990

Absent Diane5:07 pm 20 Feb 08

year 7 in 91..lol we is old tnucs.

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy4:37 pm 20 Feb 08

Year 7 in ’88. Ouch.

lol year 07 in 2003 – Man I feel old… Yr 7 in 1990 here…..

green_frogs_go_pop4:10 pm 20 Feb 08

the kids around calwell shops are all harmless??? ha, what on earth are you talking about!! I’ve seen fights going on outside there several times..

And i was in year 7 in 03..and i can kinda remember some older kids hanging around..but it wasnt THAT bad..

This is really boring. I’m bored.

I was in yr 7 in ’96, I dont remember older kids… I remember people bringing their families and extended families to school, cos 1 kid picked on them.

omg, i mean 1996

Just to clarify, my comments relate to 2006. Possibly that was just a bad/worst period.

worth noting there were certainly many excellent teachers and students, and I have mostly fond memories of my time at Calwell High.

Also I was speaking about the fencing from a students perspective, I understand first hand why the fences were placed to stop External people from entering. We were often hassled by 25-30yo losers trying to “make friends” with us 16-17yo’s.

They’ve caught and charged someone over the violent sexual assault.
A 17yo boy, apparently.

hubert j farnsworth11:26 am 20 Feb 08

im one of the owners of one of the shops in calwell shopping center and i dont know what the hell you guys are on about troubled kids around calwell…..there all bloody harmless, you raise your voice slightly and the s#@t themselvs….the kids down at conder on the other hand are the ones you should be complaining about

No social problems in Gunghalin … we have Big W.
Mind you, don’t shop there except for school pickup time – 2.30 to 4, or the skanks leave puddles where you walk.

whoops – I tried quoting Nyssa’s “I blame this current Govt for closing down the behavioural units and also for not staffing them with ex-police/defence personnel.”

(but I dun it wrong – where is “preview”??? 😉


I second that!!!

From another that taught at Calwell (04-05); the place is no worse than any other public school, save for the number of “troubled” kids. There seems to be a far great number, perhaps due to the choice types planted in Govt. housing in the school’s “feeder area” (someone told me relocated Melba Flats residents?). Whereas you may have 3-4 “troubled” kids in one class in your “average” school, at Calwell it seemed at least double that. Having said that – the school had a great number of support programs and activities available to support those that needed it. This stuff happens everywhere – if you knew what happens at schools that doesn’t make the news… well…

Calwell has a really bad rap amongst teachers (along with most Tuggeranong high schools) – but I’d still happily teach there if I didn’t live 55 mins drive north (great staff). There always seemed a disproportionate number of “new” teachers (I was one) as well as a very high staff turnover (stress?)…

BTW – “Jail fencing” was to keep vandals out – not trouble in (ie $60,000 worth of windows in 2004 – most of which came out of the school’s tiny budget)…

Also – don’t forget that most of the kids at Calwell HS (and of course, other HSs) are truly wonderful human beings, that have really bright futures ahead of them and are a joy to work with and teach.

I was at Calwell “detention centre” High the year before they put up the jail fencing.

The way they ran that school was like one big experiment (gone terribly wrong)

Instead of punishing the REALLY bad kids, they would be given all kinds of rewards and “fun things” which would of course turn them
into little angels, whereas if you were “normal” and did something very minor you were punished pretty severely.
(very skewed according to race too, you know, PC and everything)
One of the worst kids in the school was *MADE* SRC representative. What the. (*He’s been in and out of jail since)

Kind of place where a couple kids would draw on the toilet wall, so the *whole school* would have an hour detention instead of lunch.
Good way to breed anti-establishment thinking (plus, I think even the “good” kids wanted to beat up whoever was responsible)

@Shannski – ROFL, not sure if its the same teacher but I remember a few of ’em going off the rails!
Hillarious, some of the teachers there were as bad as some of the students!!

I turned out alright though 😉

My 18 yr old employee and Kambah resident recounted how he recently returned home up a back path to find a young lad of dark complexion attempting to pick the lock on his back gate.

The suprised lad took off, with 18 yr old in pursuit, but on passing the back of a house a few down, was joined by a female brandishing a gun, who also apparently had a bone to pick with the suntanned one. She was known as a person who supplied a very cold form of illegal substance, and acted in accordance with the known results of using this substance.

Employee decided discretion was better than valour, and discontinued pursuit.

I’m not sure I could live in that environment.

V8 Berlina with a three tier spoiler9:11 pm 19 Feb 08

Tuggers used to be good. Sadly, the socio economic make up of the valley means it is not home to young families, but rather scumbags who drink too much, do burn outs at Pine Island, get preggers at 15 and give BJs behind the Hyperdome between punchups behind lake Tuggeranong College.

What could have been? I prefer Gunghalin.

Its only because we have really crappy schools in tuggeranong. Its 1 hours + ride on the bus if you want to go to school in inner canberra whiich is pretty hard.
Well at least the government schools are. At calwell, chisolm and lanyon you wont learn anything at all except how to form a gang and use force instead of words. Kids there never get disciplined properly. So make the teachers take up bodybuilding and they’ll be alright.

And now heres going to be a super school k-12. so the government wants to make kindies and 16 year old gang members attend the same schhool? thats not right.

Theres nothing to do really in tuggeranong, thats why youths get bored and then start doing bad things i guess.

The hyperdome is crap. Its full of 14 year olds who are all preggers or mothers after school times. Thats why i prefer to waste 30 minutes of my time on the bus or in the car to travel to civic or woden.

If you’re visiting south tuggeranong (banks, gordon, conder,theodore) lock your car doors unless youre in the ‘rich’ part of conder.

Putting them in goal wouldnt lead them to think about what they’d done wrong, it would probably just make them feel really tough, and possibly teach them a few new tricks.

There needs to be another option. Separate schools for scary students for sure.

green frogs, I taught there in 2004.

It was a weird place then – the bad kids (no matter what school) are allowed to get away with anything.

One good kid steps out of line, it’s a hard punishment.

FFS, why are we pandering to such violent individuals? I blame this current Govt for closing down the behavioural units and also for not staffing them with ex-police/defence personnel.

Kudos to the female teachers who broke it up.

green_frogs_go_pop4:58 pm 19 Feb 08

wow, i went to calwell high in like 03/04, and gosh, nothing’s changed??

(I think the fences were put up around the time i started, haha)

God i love tuggeranong 😛

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy3:58 pm 19 Feb 08

Lay a skid mark on his head. Tyres or ass, his choice…

From http://afp.gov.au/media_releases/act/2008/14-year-old_arrested_for_alleged_vehicle_theft.html

…taken a Gowrie teenager into custody after he allegedly stole a $35,000 vehicle from his employer on Sunday, February 17.
…about 9pm on that day, the 14-year-old male broke into the premises of his Fyshwick employer and removed …a Holden Commodore… drove the vehicle as far as Cooma in New South Wales before crashing the vehicle in Michelago…

He is currently under police guard and is expected to face the ACT Children’s Court in the ensuing days.

and some Gowrie lad has just been arrested for stealing his boss’ car…

Should be compulsary beatings for juvenile offenders. Learn em proper I say.

Machinations of the welfare state……

la mente torbida2:18 pm 19 Feb 08

Bundah Bloke…Tuggeranong is a big place….never had any problems in the 20 years we lived there and raised our children….some of my best friends come from there.
My father lives in Gungahlin and is surrounded by wonderful, supportive neighbours.
When you slag off these areas…where in particular did you have such bad experiences?

Ingeegoodbee2:15 pm 19 Feb 08

I refuse to defend Tuggers. My patch of Kambah is actually pretty good, but there’s bits further south that make you grateful for automatically locking car doors.

Yeah Gunghalin really is a ghetto huh ?

What lack of services ?

You mean the public parks, skate park, youth centres, numreous cafes and restaraunts, local shops and school, a coles a wollies a big W, banks hair dressers, bakers, chemists, lake recreation areas, extensive bikepath networks.

15 minutes to Gundaroo (Grazing) 15 minutes to Goromon Park Cafe, 15 minutes to Poachers Pantry, 10 Minutes to federation Square, 15 minutes to civic, 20 to woden and 25 to tuggeranong, yep, I would have to hazard a guess that this is a pretty isolated and underserviced area…

Yep us Gunghalanites are really hard done by.

Bundah_Bloke1:58 pm 19 Feb 08

I’ve hated Tuggers ever since they built the place, always seemed so desolate and had a bad energy about it. Nappy valley sure has grown up to be Crappy valley. I think it’s overtaken Queanbeyan as the shithole of the ACT region. The same sort of social decline also appears to be happening to Gungahlin as well, the lack of services and isolation seems to be the key reasons. I put it down to shitty city planning, when everyone wants their own 1/4 acre block you have to expect low population density and the accompanying fewer social services.

hubert j farnsworth1:50 pm 19 Feb 08

its not tugwegians dumbass, you make us sound like a bunch of in-bread tasmanians or “taswegians” as they are called…..it is in actuall fact tuggrananians.

it seems to breed any young people?

The place is a sex cauldron?

I was a student teacher there a great many moons ago, and had one kid stabbed through the bicep with a geometry compass, children setting fire to bins in coridoors, and kids being stoodover and threatened by non-school gangs of adults for wanting to return to school.

Calwell High sure was an education…

Skid, I do hope that you are an unmarried landowner to be throwing around your esq. status willy nilly 😛

As said before, Mælinar determines what happens to his own slaves, this policy will not change until my limp, dead, carcass hits the ground.

V twin venom1:17 pm 19 Feb 08

“…and his whole neighbour was shut down, for around 4 hours…”

Police were searching for a missing ‘hood’

When i went to Calwell High, it was a violent place… It seems to breed any young people…

The year after i left they put all the gates and fencing around the school…

The teachers didn’t deal well with angry kids… one teacher use to get the shits and throw tables and chairs at us… aww.. thems were the days.

“…and his whole neighbour was shut down, for around 4 hours…”

His poor neighbour! How’d he get on? A glass of berocca? Or just a lie down for a few hours?…
Is it like when you get pins-and-needles in your legs from sitting cross-legged for too long, except on a full-body scale?….

My brother, who lives in Greenway, was hosting a BBQ a couple of weeks ago and his whole neighbour was shut down, for around 4 hours, by an armed response police squad. He was told to stay in-doors and lock all his windows and doors. His guests weren’t allowed to leave until the early hours of Sunday morning. One of his guests said that the same thing happened in his street (Kambah) a few days earlier.

Maelinar, we live in hope re example setting. You barge in to a class, beat the hell out of a student and probably traumatise about 30 other students, that must warrant at least a $50 dollar fine under our legal system.


I applaud your pedantry.
Please accept Maelinar’s first child into slavery-bondage as a token of my appreciation.

Skidbladnir, Esquire.

West_Kambah_4eva12:20 pm 19 Feb 08

Yeah it’s a regular Johannesburg down here…

VYBerlinaV8 the_one_they_all_copy12:00 pm 19 Feb 08

The teacher involved should have every right and freedom to beat the living shit out of anyone entering entering their classroom for the purpose of assaulting a student, using non-mechanical weapons as they see fit. We should use that specific wording in legislation.

I am a supporter of victim rights being prioritised ahead of criminal rights.

Give teachers tasers. That would sort out the youth of today.

The above story is exactly what you’d expect from Mexico.

I would have thought the teacher would be somewhat responsible for dealing with 3 people entering their classroom, but they cannot be held ultimately accountable for them acting randomly.

It would appear that they intervened, and mitigated the level of the assault, so good on them for trying.

I would naturally expect this to be viewed as a great case for example setting by courts and policing process as discouragement.

ROFL I love both Tugwegians and T. Nongs, but I HATE the spelling of “pasttime” in the article above.

A PASTIME is something you do to PASS the TIME… it’s not a past time or any other ignorant misconstruction you care to use…

I have no idea why a 48yo woman was walking to work at 0300hrs, but from my short-term work experience at Calwell High, the place is a breeding ground for social problems and violent behaviour.

Anyone know what kind of duty-of-care teachers are meant to have when teaching a class, a student ends up in hospital from a beating?

la mente torbida11:22 am 19 Feb 08

Tugwegians? I though it was Tugerra Nongs!

Yes, we Tugwegians prefer our crime unbridled, as that fancy northern bridled crime is just too highbrow.

We also lack the intelligence to organise our criminals like you northerners do, otherwise we’d invade and make all of Canberra the south side! Hah!

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