The ACT Legislative Assembly website has a shiny new welcome message from new Speaker Vicki Dunne.
It’s the usual motherhood statements with a note that she’s the first member of the opposition to be in the big seat.
And then the bad news:
In coming months a new, redeveloped website will be launched which aims to improve the way that information is organised and presented. Informed by extensive consultation with users of the site, the new site will have a cleaner, more consistent look and feel and will make information more accessible to a range of users.
*le sigh*
Parliamentary websites (and I’ve been fiddling with them since 1997) are always complicated non-user friendly beasts because they reflect the nature of the information on them.
They’re never going to and they really shouldn’t try.
A re-design is unlikely to make the Assembly more accessible. But it will mean everyone currently using it won’t know where anything is and those who maintain it will be putting things in the wrong places for months.
If they wanted to make the Assembly more accessible they’d be cutting the video feed up and getting it on YouTube in near realtime.
I guess we’ll have to see which piratic local web solutions mob will be paid squillions to arse it all up.