Yes Really! I thought i’d let you all know that we’ve been working behind the scenes on a couple of improvements to The RiotACT you know and love (or love to hate) which we hope to roll out on our upcoming birthday in November. This time they’ll be far more visible changes that the back end code base issues that we’ve been working on until now.
To that end NTP & myself sat through a discussion with some ad people a couple of weeks who promised all sorts of wonderful focus workshops at an exhorbitant cost with the intent soley to determine whether we should keep calling the site RiotACT or not. Personally i think we’re a little past that, but the idea of some focus workshops still struck an accord with me.
With that in mind, welcome to the first RiotACT Online focus group workshop.
Specifically we’re interested in knowing a couple of things.
Where did you hear about
What image does the title conjur for you?
What do you love about riotact?
what do you hate, is there anything that is confusing?
What feature have you seen on other sites that you think would rock here?
What feature that we currently have do you use the most (eg. recent comments, archives)?
Let us know. Thanks