TAMS are letting you all know they’re busy revegetating and placing woody debris:
“Since European settlement, Canberra’s woodland communities have diminished and become highly fragmented due to urban growth and development, making it difficult for animal populations to move across the landscape,” Mr Iglesias said.
“A project has been underway since 2011 to reconnect these woodland communities so wildlife isolated by urban development can move more freely between suitable patches of habitat.
“As part of the Woodlands Restoration Project, the ACT Government has been working to enhance connectivity between Black Mountain and the Molonglo River. Red Gums, Yellow Box and a range of other endemic woodland species have been planted along this corridor which includes Mount Painter, the Pinnacle Nature Reserve and Kama Nature Reserve.
“The trees have been planted to enhance existing corridors and act as ‘stepping stones’ between woodland communities, making it easier for wildlife to travel in search of food, shelter and mates.
“The project is also reintroducing missing structural elements to the landscape such as coarse woody debris (large logs and branches), which provides habitat and promotes increased biodiversity.
They’ve even kindly sent in before and after photos so you can see the stunning difference chucking some logs down makes.