3 May 2012

Your thoughts wanted on Immigration Place

| johnboy
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The National Capital Authority is asking for your feedback on the successor to Immigration Bridge.

Our working title of Immigration Thing has for some reason been rejected and instead we’re being offered Immigration Place.

Immigration Place Australia (IPA), proponent of the monument, is asking the community to help identify important issues to be considered and addressed in the design brief. It is anticipated a national design competition for the monument will begin in the coming months.

IPA hope that Immigration Place will become a place for all Australians to meet and reflect on our immigrant past and the contribution migrants have made to the diversity, significance, culture and changing values of Australia.

The NCA is undertaking the consultation and assessment processes as an adviser to the Canberra National Memorials Committee (CNMC).

“IPA is required to obtain CNMC approval of their design brief before conducting a design competition,” said Gary Rake, NCA Chief Executive.

“Public comments received during the consultation period will be considered in preparing the competition guidance materials.

“The NCA has advised IPA that the design must respect and complement the existing landscape, built environment and context of the area; and take careful account of all heritage values of the area,” he said.

The CNMC has approved a site adjacent to the National Archives of Australia in the Parliamentary Zone for the development of an immigration monument.

You can let them know what you think on the NCA’s consultation page.

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Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd8:16 am 06 May 12

I-filed said :

I’ll never forget footage of Iranian Australians barracking for Iran instead of Australia at a World Cup soccer match between the two countries. That was so wrong!
I think Australia’s multiculturalism policy has been damaging. Encourage ethnic groups to maintain their culture by all means – as a SECOND tier to identifying as Australian first & foremost.

When did you last see Iranian-Americans backing Iran over America, or Italian-Americans backing Italy over America? The Americans – for all they get wrong – benefit from their nationalism at the level of national pride. They are American first & foremost – and that allows the whole country to sidestep a whole lot of race issues.

I could make a huge list of people I personally know who are of ethnic origins who were born here yet barrack for the country their parents are from over Australia. What sort of ignoramus are you?

The problem is not immigration, it’s having the law enforced appropriately.

There are criminals from all backgrounds.

Stevian said :

I-filed said :

I’ll never forget footage of Iranian Australians barracking for Iran instead of Australia at a World Cup soccer match between the two countries. That was so wrong!

As an Australian born and bred, I always barrack for anyone but Australia in any sporting event. A right our forefathers fought and died for, it would dishonour their sacrifice not to exercise it.

Well played sir! (I’m not supporting you though, I hope you understand.)

It’s a free country. Most of us will support Australia, but you can’t expect a recent arrival to forget her or his homeland straight away. Try supporting a different country in North Korea. You won’t get far beyond the stadium. Here you can support Iran, England (yuck) or New Zealand (smirk, although admittedly, they did do well in Tasmania in the cricket last summer) should you so desire. That’s a good thing, not something to be mourned.

(And in the US, there are many Mexican-Amercans who will support Mexico against the US in football, at least in the men’s game. Yet it’s these same people helping develop the sport in that country.)

I-filed said :

I’ll never forget footage of Iranian Australians barracking for Iran instead of Australia at a World Cup soccer match between the two countries. That was so wrong!

As an Australian born and bred, I always barrack for anyone but Australia in any sporting event. A right our forefathers fought and died for, it would dishonour their sacrifice not to exercise it.

I-filed said :

When did you last see Iranian-Americans backing Iran over America, or Italian-Americans backing Italy over America? The Americans – for all they get wrong – benefit from their nationalism at the level of national pride. They are American first & foremost – and that allows the whole country to sidestep a whole lot of race issues.

What a load of crap. Have you even been to the US?

What do you think of all the kiwi’s living here going for the all blacks? Or all the poms living here going for England in the ashes.

I’ll never forget footage of Iranian Australians barracking for Iran instead of Australia at a World Cup soccer match between the two countries. That was so wrong!
I think Australia’s multiculturalism policy has been damaging. Encourage ethnic groups to maintain their culture by all means – as a SECOND tier to identifying as Australian first & foremost.

When did you last see Iranian-Americans backing Iran over America, or Italian-Americans backing Italy over America? The Americans – for all they get wrong – benefit from their nationalism at the level of national pride. They are American first & foremost – and that allows the whole country to sidestep a whole lot of race issues.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd7:57 am 05 May 12

Sandman said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

People used to say the same things about Chinese and vietamnese immigrants, but Australia did not implode or explode because of them, just like it won’t be ause of Arabs of Africans. These refugees are not going anywhere, as it’s the vocal minority that is against them. Most peeps are happy for them to be here.
If you are a racist POS, then leave. I’d rather have 100 refugees to one of you.

And while the first 2 groups you mentioned integrated with society and opened up restaurants serving delicious cheap food in our RSL clubs and local shopping centres, the other 2 follow a trend towards offending society, holding up our RSL’s and shooting each other at our local shopping centres.

Not racism, just a cultural observation.

Can you provide evidence that all, hell I will make somewhat easy for you, a quarter of Arabs and Africans that immigrate here are violent, gang raping criminals?

As an immigrant I don’t dislike the idea but I don’t care for it a great deal either, at least not something too grandiose. Canberra is indeed full of monuments already.

Would as soon give the money away to some other cause like educating skin heads to read and write, or perhaps explore new and exciting font types for their stickers.

No stuff that, better gone to the salvos, they actually work at making the world a better place.

Besides, we already have the snowy mountain scheme. Doesn’t get any more monumental than that.

Darkfalz said :

bearlikesbeer said :

When a group of Sudanese teens covered in scars, one limping from a shattered pelvis when he was 8, and wearing Salvos clothes but brand new Nikes confronts me outside Westfield, I prepare myself for more than just a one-on-one fist fight. These guys come from a place where life is cheap.

Well said. I would add that many of the cesspools of the world are so largely because of the genetic makeup of the people who live there. Look at how SA and Zimbabwe degenerated within a few years of black rule after thriving under whites. The evolution of the human brain was not equal in all areas of the world due to different environmental stresses and geneflow, and hence some people will struggle to adapt to a modern society regardless of what help they receive. It’s a sad but real fact of life. So there’s a cultural and genetic element as to why some people cannot integrate and end up preying on societies like ours rather than contributing to them. The difference between them and local scum is that we didn’t have to import the local scum. The new wave is different to the Asians or European immigration – both people who have a proven work ethic, where the fear was not of becoming victims, but of being out-competed. We didn’t have gangs of Chinese gang raping women or forming flash mobs to rob or assault. Don’t kid yourself, a country built on one type of immigration CAN become undone by another type.

Hahaha you racist c***!! Go back to your Daily Telegraph comment sites you idiot.

Why don’t you comment on the thread with the white guy who drove through a red light killing an innocent person? Or wasn’t his blood pure enough for you?

Perhaps a monument to the racism of Australians would be something that would have more relevance in a community that has always treated immigrants like outsiders – or worse.

And I’m talking here about legal immigrants and not people overstaying visas or boating in as refugees (and that’s a whole other bit of fodder for racist conversation just there).

Captain RAAF11:48 pm 04 May 12

Jim Jones said :

wildturkeycanoe said :



Sandman said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

People used to say the same things about Chinese and vietamnese immigrants, but Australia did not implode or explode because of them, just like it won’t be ause of Arabs of Africans. These refugees are not going anywhere, as it’s the vocal minority that is against them. Most peeps are happy for them to be here.
If you are a racist POS, then leave. I’d rather have 100 refugees to one of you.

And while the first 2 groups you mentioned integrated with society and opened up restaurants serving delicious cheap food in our RSL clubs and local shopping centres, the other 2 follow a trend towards offending society, holding up our RSL’s and shooting each other at our local shopping centres.

Not racism, just a cultural observation.

I don’t think you’re allowed to make those sorts of observations.
Expect a knock at your door forthwith.
“Multiculturalism is good, m’kay?”

TheDancingDjinn said :

HenryBG said :

dph said :

There are some extremely idiotic responses in this thread (no surprise given the subject touches on immigration).

Yes, because anybody who thinks people should obey the law when seeking to enter Australia are clearly idiots.

Hilarious !!

Because that’s exactly what was said drama queen.

Er, when you say “exactly”, do you mean, “something similar, but only if you’re inside *my* head and taking the same drugs as I have”?

TheDancingDjinn said :

Who is clearly an idiot?

I give up. Who is it?

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

People used to say the same things about Chinese and vietamnese immigrants, but Australia did not implode or explode because of them, just like it won’t be ause of Arabs of Africans. These refugees are not going anywhere, as it’s the vocal minority that is against them. Most peeps are happy for them to be here.
If you are a racist POS, then leave. I’d rather have 100 refugees to one of you.

And while the first 2 groups you mentioned integrated with society and opened up restaurants serving delicious cheap food in our RSL clubs and local shopping centres, the other 2 follow a trend towards offending society, holding up our RSL’s and shooting each other at our local shopping centres.

Not racism, just a cultural observation.

bearlikesbeer said :

When a group of Sudanese teens covered in scars, one limping from a shattered pelvis when he was 8, and wearing Salvos clothes but brand new Nikes confronts me outside Westfield, I prepare myself for more than just a one-on-one fist fight. These guys come from a place where life is cheap.

Well said. I would add that many of the cesspools of the world are so largely because of the genetic makeup of the people who live there. Look at how SA and Zimbabwe degenerated within a few years of black rule after thriving under whites. The evolution of the human brain was not equal in all areas of the world due to different environmental stresses and geneflow, and hence some people will struggle to adapt to a modern society regardless of what help they receive. It’s a sad but real fact of life. So there’s a cultural and genetic element as to why some people cannot integrate and end up preying on societies like ours rather than contributing to them. The difference between them and local scum is that we didn’t have to import the local scum. The new wave is different to the Asians or European immigration – both people who have a proven work ethic, where the fear was not of becoming victims, but of being out-competed. We didn’t have gangs of Chinese gang raping women or forming flash mobs to rob or assault. Don’t kid yourself, a country built on one type of immigration CAN become undone by another type.

TheDancingDjinn7:55 pm 04 May 12

HenryBG said :

dph said :

There are some extremely idiotic responses in this thread (no surprise given the subject touches on immigration).

Yes, because anybody who thinks people should obey the law when seeking to enter Australia are clearly idiots.

Hilarious !! Because that’s exactly what was said drama queen. Who is clearly an idiot?

dph said :

There are some extremely idiotic responses in this thread (no surprise given the subject touches on immigration).

Yes, because anybody who thinks people should obey the law when seeking to enter Australia are clearly idiots.

TheDancingDjinn6:42 pm 04 May 12

dph said :

There are some extremely idiotic responses in this thread (no surprise given the subject touches on immigration).

It baffles me as to how some people assume immigration works. How refugee’s are apparently living in luxury. Where tax payers money goes etc… Do you just watch ACA or read a news ltd paper & decide to form your opinion on whatever gutter journalism is telling you?

I just feel sorry for people who think this way. You truly have no idea.

If it were possible i would kiss your wonderful, wonderful mind. + Eleventy Billion for this comment.

There are some extremely idiotic responses in this thread (no surprise given the subject touches on immigration).

It baffles me as to how some people assume immigration works. How refugee’s are apparently living in luxury. Where tax payers money goes etc… Do you just watch ACA or read a news ltd paper & decide to form your opinion on whatever gutter journalism is telling you?

I just feel sorry for people who think this way. You truly have no idea.

gooterz said :

I think a huge expensive wall (that can be easily walked around would be awesome.

I think this sums up the current Australian asylum seeker policy (for both the government and the opposition) perfectly. Gold!

NFI said :

HenryBG said :

JimmyD said :

wildturkeycanoe – crying victim doesn’t make your views any less excusable or repulsive.

Darkfalz – so I guess you despise Germans and Russians as entire groups of people, seeing as how some of them, in the past, committed murder on a truly horrendous scale? Or how about Italians and the Irish, given their penchant for being stereotyped as unsavoury people? Your argument is illogical.

None of those groups have a current record, in this country, of committing crimes are a vastly higher rate than the general community, as some other groups do, eg, New Zealand.

Immigrants from Thailand, for example, commit crimes at 20% of the rate of immigrants from New Zealand.
I hope Darkfalz will agree with me that we should shut the door on New Zealanders and invite more immigrants from Thailand instead?

Care to provide a source to support this statement? Something peer reviewed maybe?

The AIC periodically publishes these figures, so it’s fairly common knowledge. Why not go and inform yourself before joining the conversation?

Watson said :

bearlikesbeer said :

If people from such backgrounds intentionally segregate themselves, there will be resulting conflict in the community.

You don’t think being subjected racism and prejudice might have something to do with their segregation then? It does take two to tango…

How come there aren’t gangs of chinese students hanging around railway stations? Are we not racist enough to turn the chinese into criminals?

astrojax said :

how about a large pewter plate to commerorate hartog’s landing, the first by a european – it could then have a brodburg-style dutch pancakes stall permanently operating… this would lead to other ethnic food vans opening up nearby, congealing into a semi-permanent global food fair in the region, which, after all, is one of the best reasons to welcome immigrants!! 🙂

+1 for this!

A small precinct where alcohol and food safety rules are suspended.

how about a large pewter plate to commerorate hartog’s landing, the first by a european – it could then have a brodburg-style dutch pancakes stall permanently operating… this would lead to other ethnic food vans opening up nearby, congealing into a semi-permanent global food fair in the region, which, after all, is one of the best reasons to welcome immigrants!! 🙂

neanderthalsis2:03 pm 04 May 12

bearlikesbeer said :


Without proper integration, we are introducing young people into our society with very different ethics and values based on a very violent culture. I do not think people from such a background should be expected to automatically blend into a society so different to their own. If people from such backgrounds intentionally segregate themselves, there will be resulting conflict in the community.

You could be saying this about hoodie wearing thugs at any bus terminus or shopping centre. Indeed any subset of the community with low educational outcomes and high unemployment fits the bill.

That said, I am not suggesting that society is to blame for alienating them or not providing ample opportunity to participate in education or employment, there is a personal onus on the individual to unf*&k themselves and get on with life as a reasonable human being. Whether black, white or brindle, an obnoxious little shit is still just an obnoxious little shit.

bearlikesbeer said :

If people from such backgrounds intentionally segregate themselves, there will be resulting conflict in the community.

You don’t think being subjected racism and prejudice might have something to do with their segregation then? It does take two to tango…

Jim Jones said :

See this: http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollytics/2008/11/22/of-race-and-crime-and-andrew-bolt/

Um, doesn’t that say that this community does have a problem with crime?

Sure it may be a failure to assist these people with their integration into Australian society but I don’t think you could deny they have a problem based on those figures.

bearlikesbeer said :

Jim Jones said :

bearlikesbeer said :

I know you’re all going to roll your eyes when you see this is a link to an Andrew Bolt blog. Say what you like about Andrew Bolt, but he can use a calculator just as well as the next guy.

Bolt made an interesting point about crime stats for Australia’s Sudanese-born population being misinterpreted when lumped in with those for all African immigrants to Australia. I understand a large portion of refugees from Sudan are young males (the demographic most likely within any group of people to commit crime) and this makes stats for the Sudanese community as a whole more difficult to interpret.

“What Nixon fails to add is that with just 6200 Sudanese in Victoria, this means about one in 19 Sudanese each year gets picked up for alleged crimes – more than four times the one-in-83 rate for all Victorians.

Bottom line: Nixon last year claimed Sudanese were “underrepresented” in crime figures, but her own statistics show they are overrepresented by a factor of four.”


See this: http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollytics/2008/11/22/of-race-and-crime-and-andrew-bolt/

Do you feel Possum Comitatus disputes the statistics Bolt cites, or Bolt’s interpretation of them?

A bit of both. Key are remarks such as:

“it was pointed out that the proportion of total distinct offenders born in Somalia was about the same as the proportion of 15-19 year old Victorians of any hue” – “there is no available Victorian crime data for people whose birth place was in Sudan by age cohort” – “When dealing with small numbers, the tails become highly uncertain and aren’t worth a great deal of attention”

And the killer: “We’re only talking about a community of 2600 people, if we can’t fix this we probably couldn’t find our arse with a map”.

bearlikesbeer1:32 pm 04 May 12

I wouldn’t say discriminating between cultures, with varying ethics and values formed overseas, is racism. It’s not about skin colour, it’s about behavioural trends.

Most of the teens and young adults of Sudanese descent in my area are refugees, or children of refugees, who have fled a violent situation.

Many of these new Australians in my area carry scars on their legs, arms, and even skulls from machete attacks. These kids have experienced terrible things, and are often very tough guys as a consequence. I’m sure stuff like that can really change how you look at the world, and how you behave in it.

As for stereotypes based on culture, sure I accept a few. It’s unhealthy not to, when it comes to street gangs. If I get corned by a group of aggressive young people from any particular ethnic background, I feel I can safely expect certain behaviours. 

When a group of Sudanese teens covered in scars, one limping from a shattered pelvis when he was 8, and wearing Salvos clothes but brand new Nikes confronts me outside Westfield, I prepare myself for more than just a one-on-one fist fight. These guys come from a place where life is cheap.

Without proper integration, we are introducing young people into our society with very different ethics and values based on a very violent culture. I do not think people from such a background should be expected to automatically blend into a society so different to their own. If people from such backgrounds intentionally segregate themselves, there will be resulting conflict in the community.

Calling people racists just for noticing cultural differences doesn’t help us solve a very real and dangerous problem.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd1:05 pm 04 May 12

bearlikesbeer said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

People used to say the same things about Chinese and vietamnese immigrants, but Australia did not implode or explode because of them, just like it won’t be ause of Arabs of Africans. These refugees are not going anywhere, as it’s the vocal minority that is against them. Most peeps are happy for them to be here.
If you are a racist POS, then leave. I’d rather have 100 refugees to one of you.

You don’t think you’ll find a few racists amongst 100 refugees?

They can leave aswell

bearlikesbeer1:00 pm 04 May 12

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

People used to say the same things about Chinese and vietamnese immigrants, but Australia did not implode or explode because of them, just like it won’t be ause of Arabs of Africans. These refugees are not going anywhere, as it’s the vocal minority that is against them. Most peeps are happy for them to be here.
If you are a racist POS, then leave. I’d rather have 100 refugees to one of you.

You don’t think you’ll find a few racists amongst 100 refugees?

bearlikesbeer12:58 pm 04 May 12

Jim Jones said :

bearlikesbeer said :

I know you’re all going to roll your eyes when you see this is a link to an Andrew Bolt blog. Say what you like about Andrew Bolt, but he can use a calculator just as well as the next guy.

Bolt made an interesting point about crime stats for Australia’s Sudanese-born population being misinterpreted when lumped in with those for all African immigrants to Australia. I understand a large portion of refugees from Sudan are young males (the demographic most likely within any group of people to commit crime) and this makes stats for the Sudanese community as a whole more difficult to interpret.

“What Nixon fails to add is that with just 6200 Sudanese in Victoria, this means about one in 19 Sudanese each year gets picked up for alleged crimes – more than four times the one-in-83 rate for all Victorians.

Bottom line: Nixon last year claimed Sudanese were “underrepresented” in crime figures, but her own statistics show they are overrepresented by a factor of four.”


See this: http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollytics/2008/11/22/of-race-and-crime-and-andrew-bolt/

Do you feel Possum Comitatus disputes the statistics Bolt cites, or Bolt’s interpretation of them?

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd12:52 pm 04 May 12

People used to say the same things about Chinese and vietamnese immigrants, but Australia did not implode or explode because of them, just like it won’t be ause of Arabs of Africans. These refugees are not going anywhere, as it’s the vocal minority that is against them. Most peeps are happy for them to be here.
If you are a racist POS, then leave. I’d rather have 100 refugees to one of you.

bearlikesbeer said :

I know you’re all going to roll your eyes when you see this is a link to an Andrew Bolt blog. Say what you like about Andrew Bolt, but he can use a calculator just as well as the next guy.

Bolt made an interesting point about crime stats for Australia’s Sudanese-born population being misinterpreted when lumped in with those for all African immigrants to Australia. I understand a large portion of refugees from Sudan are young males (the demographic most likely within any group of people to commit crime) and this makes stats for the Sudanese community as a whole more difficult to interpret.

“What Nixon fails to add is that with just 6200 Sudanese in Victoria, this means about one in 19 Sudanese each year gets picked up for alleged crimes – more than four times the one-in-83 rate for all Victorians.

Bottom line: Nixon last year claimed Sudanese were “underrepresented” in crime figures, but her own statistics show they are overrepresented by a factor of four.”


See this: http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollytics/2008/11/22/of-race-and-crime-and-andrew-bolt/

I vote that the Nauru immigration detention facility be completely packed up, shipped here and reassembled in Canberra as a monument.

That, or incorporate the Immigration Thing™ into the Tent Embassy, since we all came from am area between North Africa and the Gulf region (if you go back far enough).

bearlikesbeer said :

I know you’re all going to roll your eyes when you see this is a link to an Andrew Bolt blog. Say what you like about Andrew Bolt, but he can use a calculator just as well as the next guy.

From what I have seen of his reasoning skills and logic, I am not sure I would trust him to operate a toaster, let alone a calculator.

HenryBG said :

JimmyD said :

wildturkeycanoe – crying victim doesn’t make your views any less excusable or repulsive.

Darkfalz – so I guess you despise Germans and Russians as entire groups of people, seeing as how some of them, in the past, committed murder on a truly horrendous scale? Or how about Italians and the Irish, given their penchant for being stereotyped as unsavoury people? Your argument is illogical.

None of those groups have a current record, in this country, of committing crimes are a vastly higher rate than the general community, as some other groups do, eg, New Zealand.

Immigrants from Thailand, for example, commit crimes at 20% of the rate of immigrants from New Zealand.
I hope Darkfalz will agree with me that we should shut the door on New Zealanders and invite more immigrants from Thailand instead?

Care to provide a source to support this statement? Something peer reviewed maybe?

Girt_Hindrance12:06 pm 04 May 12

“Regardless, if you don’t like immigration, go somewhere else. What’s your argument? “Go back home, you were here third, I was here second!”

This ^. Couldn’t have said it better.

I can’t stand the whole ‘slam the door shut behind you’ attitude, and someone claiming Immigrant status makes it okay to claim those views?
Grow up and learn to share.

However, apply your views of ‘Not yours to experience!’ to Domestic Violence issues and you’re on a winner.

bearlikesbeer11:54 am 04 May 12

I know you’re all going to roll your eyes when you see this is a link to an Andrew Bolt blog. Say what you like about Andrew Bolt, but he can use a calculator just as well as the next guy.

Bolt made an interesting point about crime stats for Australia’s Sudanese-born population being misinterpreted when lumped in with those for all African immigrants to Australia. I understand a large portion of refugees from Sudan are young males (the demographic most likely within any group of people to commit crime) and this makes stats for the Sudanese community as a whole more difficult to interpret.

“What Nixon fails to add is that with just 6200 Sudanese in Victoria, this means about one in 19 Sudanese each year gets picked up for alleged crimes – more than four times the one-in-83 rate for all Victorians.

Bottom line: Nixon last year claimed Sudanese were “underrepresented” in crime figures, but her own statistics show they are overrepresented by a factor of four.”


wildturkeycanoe said :

have you been to Auburn lately? I felt like I’d traveled thousands of miles away to a foreign land and didn’t feel the slightest bit at ease or at home.

And you only tell me this now?! Do you know how many thousands of dollars I could’ve saved in flights over the years if I had known this earlier?!

HenryBG said :

JimmyD said :

wildturkeycanoe – crying victim doesn’t make your views any less excusable or repulsive.

Darkfalz – so I guess you despise Germans and Russians as entire groups of people, seeing as how some of them, in the past, committed murder on a truly horrendous scale? Or how about Italians and the Irish, given their penchant for being stereotyped as unsavoury people? Your argument is illogical.

None of those groups have a current record, in this country, of committing crimes are a vastly higher rate than the general community, as some other groups do, eg, New Zealand.

Immigrants from Thailand, for example, commit crimes at 20% of the rate of immigrants from New Zealand.
I hope Darkfalz will agree with me that we should shut the door on New Zealanders and invite more immigrants from Thailand instead?

Sudanese are underrepresented in crime stats (i.e. they commit less crimes than white Australians per person) but grossly overrepresented in crime reporting (apparently they all hang out in ‘gangs’). Same goes for damn near all new immigrant groups.

Regardless, if you don’t like immigration, go somewhere else. What’s your argument? “Go back home, you were here third, I was here second!”

There’s a very large Bunya Pine a bit up from where the photo shows… they could put Immigration Thing under that. Think of the excitement.

neanderthalsis9:23 am 04 May 12

wildturkeycanoe said :

neanderthalsis said :

… All you hear about in the news is about crimes being committed and the perpetrators using their religion or ethnic upbringing as a defense. Try talking to some of these people who try to assimilate to our way of life and they have no idea how to converse in English. The ones that do know, I can’t understand because of their accent.

… But gradually our way of life is being overrun by the need to cater for every nationality in the world. Signage and instructions for almost everything now has to be in multiple languages, yet the ones reading still don’t follow the rules. …

Our country is losing it’s identity and we are just a nation waiting to be divided into pieces, just like America, where we pander to the cultural needs of everyone except ourselves.
P.S. “Get outta me country, it’s full”

If you watch ACA or today tonight you would get the impression that the country is being overrun by Arabs & Sudanese who Threaten Our Way Of Life (TM) or the Indian and Chinese students who come over here and steal our jobs at the local servo on the midnight shift.. The same arguments were made in the past about the Irish, the Greeks/Italians, the Vietnamese and the Samoans. I grew up in an area that had a huge influx of Vietnamese migrants in the early 80’s and we saw them living in isolation from the rest of us, speaking their own language, buying shops from the previous Greek or Italian owners and upsetting our nicely white suburbs. As an impressionable teen, I wanted them to bugger off back to where they came from and I even voted for Pauline in 1996… Later I learned the joys of a proper spring roll and decided that I was wrong. Now the second and third generation of these groups are integrated into our society, they speak good “Aussie English” and are a welcome addition to society.

The Arabs and especially the Sudanese can be confronting when you see large groups of unemployed youth lurking at a train station, but that also goes for hoodie wearing white kids.

On a recent trip to Japan, I noted that most of the signs including street signs, even away from the major tourist areas, are in Japanese and English. Now Japan lets in very few migrants, isn’t really a tourist mecca and is generally isolationist in its approach to other nationalities (except for trade), but still sees value in multilingual signage. It is rare here to see signs in multiple languages, even in tourist hot spots. Darra/Inala in Brisbane or Cabramatta are exceptions obviously. Occasionally here in Canberra a shop that caters for specific ethnicities might have multilingual signs, or a hotel may, but again rarely.

wildturkeycanoe said :


JimmyD said :

wildturkeycanoe – crying victim doesn’t make your views any less excusable or repulsive.

Darkfalz – so I guess you despise Germans and Russians as entire groups of people, seeing as how some of them, in the past, committed murder on a truly horrendous scale? Or how about Italians and the Irish, given their penchant for being stereotyped as unsavoury people? Your argument is illogical.

None of those groups have a current record, in this country, of committing crimes are a vastly higher rate than the general community, as some other groups do, eg, New Zealand.

Immigrants from Thailand, for example, commit crimes at 20% of the rate of immigrants from New Zealand.
I hope Darkfalz will agree with me that we should shut the door on New Zealanders and invite more immigrants from Thailand instead?

wildturkeycanoe – crying victim doesn’t make your views any less excusable or repulsive.

Darkfalz – so I guess you despise Germans and Russians as entire groups of people, seeing as how some of them, in the past, committed murder on a truly horrendous scale? Or how about Italians and the Irish, given their penchant for being stereotyped as unsavoury people? Your argument is illogical.

Darkfalz said :

Pretty much. We should not be importing people who have no cultural or intellectual ability to obey our laws and contribute to our economy. Which pretty much rules out everywhere outside of Eurasia (especially Africa and the Pacific Islands).

Not “discriminating” is not being able to use facts and common sense. It’s amazing to me how bleeding heart liberals have created a world in which people are encouraged to ignore their own survival instincts. My opinion of any particular race is directly proportional to their criminality and contributions to both current and historical society.

Obviously, foreigners should be imported for *our* benefit, not for theirs. Some people seem to have trouble with this concept.

Maybe they would understand if I put it like this: I don’t send my children to a particular school in order to benefit the school, I do it to benefit my children.
On second thoughts, judging by the amount of people who retard their children by sending them to Orana, maybe they still won’t get it.

Darkfalz, sounds like you should read Charles Murray’s “Human Accomplishment”. It will do nothing whatsoever to reform you from your prejudices.

Hmm this sort of thing sounds familiar, ah that’s right the welcome wall in Sydney that list migrants to this country http://welcomewall.anmm.gov.au/

wildturkeycanoe said :

By now I’ve riled up enough people, so I’ll conclude that I am a first generation Australian from immigrant parents and am also married to someone born overseas [totally different cultures from opposite sides of the planet by the way]. My parents adapted to this lifestyle, learned the language and are as fair dinkum as the next bogan. Our country is losing it’s identity and we are just a nation waiting to be divided into pieces, just like America, where we pander to the cultural needs of everyone except ourselves.
P.S. “Get outta me country, it’s full”

Pretty much. We should not be importing people who have no cultural or intellectual ability to obey our laws and contribute to our economy. Which pretty much rules out everywhere outside of Eurasia (especially Africa and the Pacific Islands).

Not “discriminating” is not being able to use facts and common sense. It’s amazing to me how bleeding heart liberals have created a world in which people are encouraged to ignore their own survival instincts. My opinion of any particular race is directly proportional to their criminality and contributions to both current and historical society.

wildturkeycanoe10:42 pm 03 May 12

neanderthalsis said :

I think that some razor wire, burnt hulls of Indonesian fishing boats and a large “f&%k off we’re full” sign would appeal to the voting public.

Or we could make a large scale monument and call it Australia. After all, we all came here from somewhere else and the nation on a whole provides ample opportunity for us to display the contribution migrants have made to the diversity, significance, culture and changing values of Australia.

The first thing you said sounded better than the second.
Let’s display some of the recent contributions that immigrants have brought to Australia…
– Violent crimes – a lot of which are between factions/sects/religions of the countries from which these people came.
– Violent crimes – but it’s okay where we come from, it’s our right to do as our religion mandates.
– Increased burden on Australian taxpayers – Yes, now they want to pay these illegal immigrants $300 a week to survive, but we can’t house our own people living on the streets.
– Mini countries within our own – have you been to Auburn lately? I felt like I’d traveled thousands of miles away to a foreign land and didn’t feel the slightest bit at ease or at home.I couldn’t read any of the shop signs in the main street. These people form hubs where they can gradually expand their own culture at the expense of ours.

So, “changing values of Australia” eh? What kind of values are we accepting into our communities? As far as I can see from personal experience, the immigrants to Australia of late are typically keeping to their own cultures, NOT trying to get along with the rest of us white scum. All you hear about in the news is about crimes being committed and the perpetrators using their religion or ethnic upbringing as a defense. Try talking to some of these people who try to assimilate to our way of life and they have no idea how to converse in English. The ones that do know, I can’t understand because of their accent.
Yes, I sound racist, typical drunken Aussie slob who hates anyone who doesn’t like VB and Commodores. I won’t deny that I am when there is good cause, like protection of my countrymen and my family from the problems overseas that gradually creep through the cracks into our society.
No we aren’t perfect, being spawn from convicts and the like, but we held some morals these last couple hundred years that more or less protect the innocent from atrocities. But gradually our way of life is being overrun by the need to cater for every nationality in the world. Signage and instructions for almost everything now has to be in multiple languages, yet the ones reading still don’t follow the rules. Other languages used to be optional in schools. Now they are becoming something necessary, like the government is worried we’ll be overrun by our neighbors and our kids won’t be competitive in the “new world”.
By now I’ve riled up enough people, so I’ll conclude that I am a first generation Australian from immigrant parents and am also married to someone born overseas [totally different cultures from opposite sides of the planet by the way]. My parents adapted to this lifestyle, learned the language and are as fair dinkum as the next bogan. Our country is losing it’s identity and we are just a nation waiting to be divided into pieces, just like America, where we pander to the cultural needs of everyone except ourselves.
P.S. “Get outta me country, it’s full”

I think a huge expensive wall (that can be easily walked around would be awesome.

With lots of depth and meaning!

I like the 45 degree thing better

switch said :

It gives colour and purpose…

Colour and movement?

It gives colour and purpose to otherwise dull and meaningless lives.

What is it about self-appointed groups that want to put up monuments everywhere? They seem to expect governmnet to give them land, at least some of the money for their own vainglorious monuments, and automatic planning permission.

neanderthalsis10:48 am 03 May 12

I think that some razor wire, burnt hulls of Indonesian fishing boats and a large “f&%k off we’re full” sign would appeal to the voting public.

Or we could make a large scale monument and call it Australia. After all, we all came here from somewhere else and the nation on a whole provides ample opportunity for us to display the contribution migrants have made to the diversity, significance, culture and changing values of Australia.

I have no comment on the Thing, I’m just like the isometric perspective of the Google map. How did I not know that you could do this?

Hoo-bloody-ray. Another chance for a design competition in which architectural firms can put forward pretty pictures backed up by schmaltzy statements declaring the significance of their ‘vision’ and how it has a deep cultural resonance…

The CNMC has approved a site adjacent to the National Archives of Australia in the Parliamentary Zone for the development of an immigration monument.

So a prominent location then, with lots of foot traffic [/sarcasm]. I can see this monument is going to be up there with Magna Carta Place (or whatever it is called) in terms of its significance and impact.

Don’t we have enough lifeless, bland, ignored Monuments To Important Things around the place already?

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