Elections ACT has this afternoon completed the distribution of preferences for the ACT Legislative Assembly election, confirming that the Liberals’ Nicole Lawder is returned in Brindabella, that former Labor minister Chris Bourke’s political career is over and that Shane Rattenbury will have a Greens colleague in the chamber with him this Assembly in Caroline Le Couteur.
A weary ACT Electoral Commissioner Phil Green talks 2016 ACT Legislative Assembly election facts and figures this afternoon:
Dr Bourke is the biggest casualty of the election, having been ousted by strong first-time campaigners Tara Cheyne and Gordon Ramsay.
The first ever indigenous MLA, the former dentist joined the Assembly in mid-2011 (when then chief minister Jon Stanhope resigned) and was re-elected at the October 2012 election.
Dr Bourke served variously as Minister for Education and Training, Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Corrections, Minister for Children and Young People, Minister for Disability, Minister for Small Business and the Arts, Minister for Veterans and Seniors, Assistant Speaker and Government Whip.
The outgoing MLA offered his congratulations this afternoon to Yvette Berry, Tara Cheyne and Gordon Ramsay for being elected to represent Ginninderra and to Labor’s other candidate in the seat, Kim Fischer, for running a good campaign.
“The ACT Labor ticket in Ginninderra was very strong, with five great campaigns and I think that has been illustrated in our excellent result as a team,” Dr Bourke said.
“I also offer my heartfelt thanks to my staff, volunteers, supporters and everyone who helped me – not only during the formal campaign, but over many years.
“I am disappointed not to be returning to the Assembly, I am very proud of my work as an MLA over the last five years. I have always worked hard to deliver great results for Belconnen – and in my time as a Minister, for all of Canberra.
“To have been the first Aboriginal MLA in the ACT is an honour that will always stay with me. I am immensely proud to have been able to represent my people directly in the Assembly.”
Dr Bourke said he intended to continue to be an advocate both for Belconnen and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across the ACT.
“There is always more to be done and I intend to keep working for the things I believe in,” he said.
“I’m pleased to have been able to play my part in a progressive, reformist ACT Labor Government. I have full confidence the new Labor team will continue to strengthen Canberra and take it to the world. I wish them all the best.”
Labor’s Jayson Hinder also lost his seat.
Below is the list of successful candidates, firstly in order by party and then by electorate, so you can see who your new local members are.
LABOR: Andrew Barr, Yvette Berry, Joy Burch, Tara Cheyne, Bec Cody, Meegan Fitzharris, Mick Gentleman, Suzanne Orr, Michael Pettersson, Gordon Ramsay, Chris Steele, Rachel Stephen-Smith.
LIBERALS: Alistair Coe, Steve Doszpot, Vicki Dunne, Jeremy Hanson, Giulia Jones, Elizabeth Kikkert, Nicole Lawder, Elizabeth Lee, James Milligan, Mark Parton, Andrew Wall.
GREENS: Caroline Le Couteur, Shane Rattenbury.
BRINDABELLA: Joy Burch (ALP), Mick Gentleman (ALP), Nicole Lawder (Libs), Mark Parton (Libs), Andrew Wall (Libs).
GINNINDERRA: Yvette Berry (ALP), Tara Cheyne (ALP), Vicki Dunne (Libs), Elizabeth Kikkert (Libs), Gordon Ramsay (ALP).
KURRAJONG: Andrew Barr (ALP), Steve Doszpot (Libs), Elizabeth Lee (Libs), Shane Rattenbury (Greens), Rachel Stephen-Smith (ALP).
MURRUMBIDGEE: Bec Cody (ALP), Jeremy Hanson (Libs), Giulia Jones (Libs), Caroline Le Couteur (Greens), Chris Steel (ALP).
YERRABI: Alistair Coe (Libs), Meegan Fitzharris (ALP), James Milligan (Libs), Suzanne Orr (ALP), Michael Pettersson (ALP).